10 Do's and Don'ts of Popping the Question | CHURINGA Diamond

“Will you marry me?” They’re only four little words, but they carry a ton of weight, so proposing is stressful. From picking the ring to picking the venue, there are so many opportunities for something to go wrong. So before you stage the perfect proposal, perfect your plan by following these tips.

1. DO Consider Her Personality

Is she shy or private? If so, she might love a quiet proposal at home. If she’s nostalgic and romantic, considering popping the question at the location of your first date. If she’s sporty and active, plan to get down on one knee after you’ve hiked to the top of a mountain.

2. DON’T Make It Up on the Spot

No, you don’t have to read a prepared speech off index cards. But at least plan out bullet points of what you want to say. The actual on-bended-knee moment is overwhelming, and you might draw a blank.

3. DO Capture the Moment

While it takes a while to plan the perfect proposal, the actual event goes by quickly. So be sure to have a camera set-up to capture the moment. Whether you hire a professional photographer to capture the moment or you plan on taking engagement selfies, be prepared.  

4. DON’T Tell Everyone

The more people you tell about the proposal plan, the higher the chance that she’ll find out.Of course, you’ll have to tell anyone who will be involved in the proposal. But keep it a small circle.

5. DO Choose a Moment When She’s Feeling Her Best

Most women don’t want to be proposed to while they’re sweaty, cranky or otherwise feeling icky. Don’t pop the question when she’s sick, super hungry or just home from the gym.

6. DON’T Go Too Trendy

You’ll tell the story of your proposal for the rest of your lives. Choose a method that’s meaningful for you as a couple rather than trendy (i.e., skip the flash mob).

7. DO Plan for the Unexpected

Think about your plan B. If you lead her to your favorite lakeside bench to propose exactly at sunset, what will you do if you arrive at the bench and find it’s already occupied?

8. DON’T Give It Away

Even if she knows it’s coming, strive to keep the actual proposal a surprise. Focus on acting like your normal self. If you’re fidgeting and insisting that she follow you to a place you two wouldn’t normally go, she’ll figure out what you’re up to.

9. DO Make It a Little Sappy

If you’re ever going to be gooey and romantic, now’s the time. Tell her what she means to you first, then ask the question.

10. DON’T Disappoint Her With the Ring

She’s a one-of-a-kind woman, so not just any ring will do. Visit The Diamond Reserve, Colorado’s most trusted custom jeweler, to find the ring that she’ll love for the rest of her life.

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