9 Fascinating Things About Diamonds That You Didn't Know | CHURINGA Diamond

The diamond is mysterious, breathtaking and sophisticated. There is a wealth of knowledge and history about diamonds that you probably didn’t know. To celebrate the diamond, the experts at The Diamond Reserve has decided to share these ten fascinating diamond facts.

  1. Natural diamonds are formed deep in the Earth’s mantle at very high pressures and temperatures—of up to 2372 degrees Fahrenheit—billions of years ago. The gems find their way to the surface of the Earth thanks to deep-source volcanic eruptions.
  2. Before the 18th century, India was the primary source of diamonds. In the 1700s, Brazil became the world’s largest source of the diamond after many of India’s diamond supplies declined. Today, most diamond mining occurs in Namibia, Botswana, Guyana, the Ivory Coast, Australia, Canada, and Russia.
  3. It is possible to burn a diamond. To do so, you must heat the gem to approximately 1290-1650 degrees Fahrenheit. Jeweler’s torches can often reach that temperature.
  4. The construction and precision industry uses more than 80 percent of the world’s diamonds. Because they are so hard, diamonds make exceptional drill bits, saw blades and grinding wheels.
  5. Evolution may explain why we gravitate towards diamonds. According to the Journal of Consumer Psychology, we may be inherently drawn to diamonds due to their shiny and glossy appearance.  Water is the very life force of every living creature on the plant.  According to the Journal of Consumer Psychology, most creatures, including humans, are drawn to reflective and shiny objects as the subconscious mind identifies those elements as an indicator of water.  
  6. Our pursuit of diamonds may be rooted in our a basic urge to survive.   There are many myths associated with diamonds. The ancient Greeks believed diamonds were the result of tears shed by the gods. While the Romans believed diamonds were small pieces of stars that had fallen to the Earth. Ancient Hindus believed that a diamond could protect its wearer from danger.
  7. Diamonds are made from only one element—carbon. Due to the intense pressure and the heat that they are subjected to, carbon atoms bind in a way that results in the rare and beautiful appearance of the diamond.
  8. The only thing that can scratch a genuine diamond is another diamond. That is because diamonds are the hardest natural substance on Earth.  
  9. Some white dwarf stars in space have a diamond core. Scientists have identified a cool white dwarf in space that has crystallized, essentially forming a diamond the size of Earth.

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