Are Gold Chains Unisex?| CHURINGA

Whether or not gold chains are unisex has been debated for years. Some arguments say only men can wear them, while others argue that they’re fine for both sexes. There are no rules in the fashion industry, and people have different opinions.

Gold chains are worn by many different types of people worldwide, so there’s no reason you can’t wear one too! This article will explore the history of gold chains and why they’re considered unisex.

Table Of Contents

  1. What Is A Gold Chain?
  2. The History Of Men And Womens Gold Chains
  3. Is A Gold Chains Unisex?
  4. What Is The Difference Between Men And Women Gold Chains?
    • The Width of the Gold Chain 
    • The Length of the Gold Chain
    • The Type of Clasp on the Gold Chain 
    • The Design of the Gold Ring
  5. Factors To Consider When Purchasing A Gold Chain
    • 1. Cost of the gold chain
    • 2. Design of the gold chain
    • 3. Weight of the gold chain
    • 4. Carats of the gold chain
    • 5. The type of clasp on the gold chain
  6. Conclusion

What Is A Gold Chain?

As the name suggests, a gold chain is a necklace made from solid or plated gold. Men and women can wear them, but there are very few pieces of jewellery that have been debated for this long on whether they’re unisex or not.

The History Of Men And Womens Gold Chains

Gold chains have been around for centuries and were first worn by men in ancient Greece and Rome. They were seen as a sign of wealth and status and were often worn with other jewellery pieces, such as rings, earrings, and bracelets. Both genders wore gold chains, but it was rare for a woman to wear one.

In the 1930s and 1940s, women started wearing them more frequently as accessories with their evening gowns. Today gold chains are seen in many different ways. They may be short or long and even paired with other jewellery pieces such as diamonds! Gold chains are a great way to add sparkle and glamour to any outfit.

Is A Gold Chains Unisex?

So, are gold chains unisex? The answer is yes! There are no rules in the fashion industry, and people can wear whatever they want. Gold chains are a great way to add some shine and glamour to any outfit, so go ahead and give them a try!

What Is The Difference Between Men And Women Gold Chains?

In as much as both genders can wear gold chains, there are subtle differences that set men and women apart. Below are some highlighted differences.

The Width of the Gold Chain 

Men’s gold chains are usually wider than women’s gold chains. This is because men typically have a larger neck size than women. Most men prefer their gold chain to have a 3mm and higher width. On the other hand, women usually prefer a lighter, more delicate gold chain.

The Length of the Gold Chain

Men’s gold chains are also usually longer than women’s gold chains in terms of length. This is because men often like to wear their gold chains over their t-shirts, while women typically wear them under their shirts.

The length of a man’s gold chain gravitates from 14 inches to 24 inches. However, the range is usually from 16 inches to 18 inches for women.

The Type of Clasp on the Gold Chain 

There are different clasps for gold chains, and each one has a specific purpose. The clasp on a man’s gold chain is usually a lobster claw or toggle clasp. This type of clasp is very strong and can hold up to a lot of wear and tear.

The clasp on a woman’s gold chain is usually a spring-ring clasp. This type of clasp is very common because it’s easy to use and can be opened and closed with one hand.

The Design of the Gold Ring

The design of the gold ring that holds together a man’s gold chain can be simple or more intricate. On the other hand, women’s rings are usually smaller and have more delicate designs, so they don’t weigh down their necklaces.

Additionally, women’s gold chains usually have more gemstones and diamonds than men’s chains.

Factors To Consider When Purchasing A Gold Chain

When purchasing a gold chain, there are a few factors you need to consider. Below are a few things to keep in mind;

1. Cost of the gold chain

The cost of the gold chain will depend on a few factors, such as the type of gold it’s made from, the weight of the chain, and the design. It’s important to remember that you get what you pay for, so if you’re looking for a high-quality chain, be prepared to spend a bit more money.

2. Design of the gold chain

The design of the gold chain will depend on your personal preference. There are so many ways to wear a gold chain, so it’s important to choose the one you like and feels right for you.

3. Weight of the gold chain

The weight of the gold chain is also an important factor to consider because it directly affects how your gold necklace falls on your neckline. If you’re someone who likes a lot of jewellery, then wearing something lighter will be more comfortable for you than if you wear heavier chains regularly.

4. Carats of the gold chain

The carats of the gold chain will also affect its price. The higher the carat, the more expensive the chain will be. However, this doesn’t mean that all high-carat chains are automatically better than low-carat chains.

It’s important to remember that it’s not just the carat weight that makes a gold chain high quality. It’s also the craftsmanship and design!

5. The type of clasp on the gold chain

The clasp on the gold chain is also an important consideration, especially if you’re someone who tends to lose things. The lobster claw or toggle clasp is a good choice for men because it’s very secure and difficult to lose.

The spring ring clasp is a good choice for women because it’s easy to use and can be opened and closed with one hand.


Gold chains are a popular type of jewellery, and there are many different designs and styles to choose from. The gold chain you select should complement your style and preference, whether male or female.

When purchasing a gold chain, it’s important to consider the chain’s cost, weight, design, carat, and clasp. Additionally, it’s important to think about how you will be wearing the chain and what style best suits your personality.

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