Can I eat solid food after tongue piercing? | CHURINGA BODY JEWELRY REVIEWS

You’ll need to be careful with the types of foods that you eat, as these can get stuck around the jewelry and make you uncomfortable. Soft, bland foods — like applesauce and yogurt — are preferred. French kissing and oral sex are off-limits during this time.

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Consequently, can I eat McDonalds after tongue piercing?

Any food that you can suck without moving your mouth is a good thing so soups without bits, ice creams and ice are probably gonna be a major part of your diet for a few days. McDonalds milkshakes will dramatically reduce the swelling and give you some energy too. You can move onto mashed potato and gravy in a few days.

People also ask, when can I eat solid food with a tongue piercing?

10 days

Also know, what can’t you eat with a tongue piercing?

What to avoid:

  • Hot and spicy food. Hot and/or spicy food can irritate your tongue, causing additional pain and discomfort. …
  • Food with sticky texture. …
  • Acidic food. …
  • Food with crunchy or hard texture. …
  • Smoothies. …
  • Soup. …
  • Other soft food.

Can I brush my teeth after tongue piercing?

After your tongue has healed, take the jewelry out every night and brush it the way you brush your teeth. You might want to take it out before you go to sleep or do anything active.

How can I make my tongue piercing heal faster?

Some other strategies that can speed healing include:

  1. brushing the teeth regularly to keep the mouth clean.
  2. rinsing the piercing after each meal.
  3. not smoking.
  4. minimizing talking during the first few days.
  5. not playing with or touching the piercing.

Can I eat pizza with a tongue piercing?

Etc. Foods to avoid would be hard foods that require a lot of chewing like pizza, bagels, breads, pastas, raw veggies, sushi, chicken, steak, etc. However, while all that was said, if you take tiny bites you can eat whatever you want as long as you’re aware of your tongue and don’t bite into it.

Does food get stuck in tongue piercing?

Much like an ear piercing, if you take the post out there is still scar tissue, so the skin never heals completely. Food and bacteria will always get stuck in the hole, resulting in you constantly being vigilant about the care and cleaning of your tongue and mouth.

Can I change my tongue piercing after 2 weeks?

Have you ever asked yourself – When can I change my tongue ring? The answer is that you need to wait several weeks till the piercing heals. Regular jewelry cleaning and good oral hygiene are necessary to avoid any complications during that period.

What not to eat after piercing?

Don’t eat spicy, salty or acidy foods or liquids while you are healing. Avoid hot drinks such as hot chocolate, coffee, and tea. Eat cold foods and drinks as they lessen swelling. Be extra careful when eating crunchy foods.

Why do females get tongue piercings?

The most common part pierced for sexual pleasures is the tongue. … When used for oral sex, the small metal ball or tongue ring that is on the tip of the ring will add pressure, tease, and bring a new sensation to the experience for your lover.

Do they numb your tongue when you get it pierced?

The piercing professional usually take precautions to bypass the veins of the tongue during the procedure. There is no numbing medicine given to ease the pain or discomfort during or after the procedure. There may be discomfort during the procedure and that is normal.

How long does it take for a tongue piercing to stop hurting?

Usually, a tongue piercing heals within four to six weeks. Pain, as well as a range of other healing symptoms, are perfectly normal after getting a tongue piercing. You can expect the pain to last up to one month, decreasing with time.

How much does it hurt to get your tongue pierced?

How much does the tongue piercing hurt? The tongue may seem like it would be sensitive, but most report relatively low piercing pain. With an experienced piercer, you will feel a pinch, but they’ll conduct the procedure quickly, so it will be fast. The real pain comes in the days immediately afterward.

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