Can You Wear Gold And Silver Rings Together? (Ask Cladright) | CHURINGA JEWELRY WEAR TIPS

Silver and gold have captivated our hearts and minds for thousands of years. On their own, these precious metals make for the perfect accessories.

But, some people aren’t quite sure if they’re the best combination. So today, we’re going to answer the age-old question: Can you wear gold and silver rings together?

We know there are unwritten rules and taboos in the world of jewelry and any stylist will tell you that striking a balance is important.

Mixed gold and silver rings in a case. Photo by PhotoMIX Company

Is it bad luck to wear gold and silver together?

In alchemy, silver was associated with the moon and purity, while gold represented divine perfection and the sun. So, wearing these two together is no more bad luck than having the sun and the moon appear in the sky at the same time.

Silver and gold have been attached to spiritual ideals since the day we started to place value on them. What’s more, each of your rings may have a different purpose and meaning, which may affect your preference per ring.

Since gold and silver are both attached to positive ideas, there’s no reason why wearing them together should give you bad luck.

Can gold and silver rings be mixed?

Wearing gold and silver rings together can give any outfit that extra edge, but only if you do it right. There’s a fine line between looking proper and looking tacky when wearing jewelry, so you’ve got to know how to make the distinction.

First, make sure the rings are similar in style. Subtlety is the hallmark of class, so you want something that’s uniform. The minor difference will then come in terms of color or a wild and whimsical ring in between to bridge the two.

closeup of man wearing ringscloseup of man wearing ringsGold and silver rings worn together. Photo by uzziiii

Alternatively, you can pile the rings up one on top of the other to make a bold statement. Or take it a step further and go for something disruptive like a mixture of thin and thick rings on a single finger.

Get your wedding ring in the mix if you’ve got one, but don’t count on putting any ring on top of that one, especially if it’s got a rock.

Most importantly, you want to make sure you’ve picked out an outfit that won’t conceal the rings on your fingers, so the shorter the sleeves on your top, the better.

What about gold and silver necklaces?

Gold and silver necklaces work like a charm when put together. You get that unimposing glimmer from the silver and that little sliver of attention from the gold. For ultimate comfort and a great appearance, necklaces of different lengths are a good idea.

gold and silver pendantsgold and silver pendantsPhoto by Alex Chambers

Explore the various shades of gold and see which one would make for a better complement with silver. The more you can bring out the unique character of each one, the better.

If you’re feeling insecure about mixing necklace tones, but really want to try it, start with some minimalist pieces. Simple jewelry creates a safe space for experimentation.

What if you have a two-toned watch?

A two-toned watch pays homage to that reconciliation of the two different elements, and a two-toned watch works well to play on the idea of unifying yellow and white metals. 

It actually goes to show just how purposeful the combination is. It’s like you’ve got a theme going, which is great because nobody wants to seem like they just “threw something on”.

gold and silver watchgold and silver watchTwo-tone Rolex Datejust. Photo by Antony Trivet

Should you go for it?

We at Cladright would say yes, you should go for it!

Of course, you have to be careful when mixing your metals. When dressing up, you want to stand out, but going overboar won’t do you any good.

You shouldn’t at any point come out looking like you just put on whatever you could find. It isn’t wise to have too much going on either; simplicity is what you should be going for.

With that said, how you dress is an expression of you, so toss out a curveball if you feel like it and color outside the lines. 

man holding sunglassesman holding sunglassesMixed metal colors. Photo by Joshua Reddekopp

You want to fully enjoy your jewelry. That means trying combos and pairings you might not have originally considered before. And pairing your gold and silver jewelry isn’t as crazy as it may seem.

Guys just like you are pairing gold with silver jewelry all the time. It’s just a matter of getting used to the look.

So what does it actually take to pull it off? 

What techniques and guidelines do you need to follow to make gold and silver look rings great together? There’s definitely a science to it, so you’re going to have to know a few things before even considering wearing them together.

Get Your Numbers Right

When accessorizing, it’s very important to maintain a sense of balance and harmony. One item should correspond with another so that nothing feels out of place. 

In addition to mixing metals to highlight their differences, you also need to maintain some sort of harmony which brings out the variations but celebrates the union of the two. Basically, one element should not overpower the other.

Dress For Your Skin Tone

Consider the shade of your skin when picking jewelry. If your skin is a medium to dark brown, or has an olive tone, try darker shades of gold.

If you have fairer skin, white gold and silver would look amazing on you… but of course, that doesn’t rule out gold completely!

man squatting beside backpackman squatting beside backpackGold tone watch case with silver and black rings. Photo by Med Rofka

To be honest, I wouldn’t worry about this too much. It’s just something to think about. Basically, you want to try a variety of different chains, rings, etc. against your skin tone.

Once you’re through with that and figure out what you like, the struggle is over.

Watch your color scheme

It’s a good idea to go for colors that will agree with gold and silver.

Subtle and earthy colors always seem to do the trick, while white, black, and gray are always worthy of a nice silver and gold combination. Maroon never fails either, so you might want to try that out as well.

Try it out!

We hope you found this article informative! Do you like mixing gold and silver rings or do you prefer to stick to one tone?

Let us know your thoughts! DM us on Instagram with any jewelry questions or article ideas you’d like for us to explore!

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