DIY Planter: How to Make a Coffee Can Planter | CHURINGA JEWELRY

If you’re anything like me, you drink A LOT of coffee! I noticed that I was going through so many cans. So, I decided to do a little craft and recycle my empty coffee cans. Why not make something beautiful out of them? I thought about it and I am also always needing new pots for all my plants. Well, these make for the perfect planter. You just need a few supplies to turn this empty coffee can, into an adorable planter.

What you will need:

  1. Empty coffee can
  2. Hot glue gun + glue
  3. Jute
  4. White spray paint

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Start by totally cleaning out your coffee can + removing the label. Then lay out newspaper or craft paper outside + spray paint it!

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Once totally covered, let dry for about 15 min!

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Next step: add a dab of hot glue in the back of the can. Start there and secure the first end of the jute. Once the glue has dried, begin to wrap the jute all the way around the top of the can. We went all the way down until we reached the next groove in the can. Then glue that end.

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Do the same steps to the bottom section.

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This is what it should look like when all the jute has been added.

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Now, time to plant!! How perfect?!

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Set out, and enjoy! What plant did you decide to use?

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