Get To Know Your Diamonds | CHURINGA Diamond

imagesimagesimagesimagesDiamonds are most often associated with beauty and love, and certainly, glimmering earrings, engagement rings and studded bracelets are worthy of these associations. But, there is a much more to these incredible gems than what meets the eye. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of diamonds.

Diamond Formation

First, a quick background: About 100 miles below the Earth’s surface, the high-temperature and high-pressure environment of the Earth’s mantle convene to form these rare and beautiful gemstones. Made from a carbon atom surrounded by four other carbon atoms connected by strong covalent bonds, diamonds are the hardest natural substance on the planet.

Diamond Geography

The U.S. is the world’s leading consumer of gemstones, and American consumption of diamonds accounts for about 35% of the world’s diamond production. However, the U.S. is not one of the major diamond producers in the world. Many of the world’s diamonds come from sub-Saharan Africa, but Russia and Canada also produce a significant number of diamonds. While Botswana and Russia have been the top producers in recent years, diamond discoveries in Canada have it poised to become one of the world’s leading producers. Interestingly, though it is not currently a major diamond producer, India was the first commercial producer of diamonds and dominated global production until the early 1700s.

Valuing diamonds

The value of a diamond is determined by four factors, known as the four “C’s”. These four C’s include the diamond’s carat weight, clarity, color, and the quality of its cut. Carats are the unit used to weigh diamonds. The word stems from the carob tree, a Mediterranean tree whose seed was used as the standard for weighing precious stones. One carat equals 0.2 grams (0.007) and only one polished diamond in a thousand weighs more than one carat. A diamond’s clarity also contributes to its value, with clear, flawless diamonds worth more than diamonds with inclusions. In regards to color, only one in every 10,000 diamonds possesses natural color and is referred to as a colored or fancy diamond. Colorless and fancy diamonds are more valuable. The cut of the diamond refers in part to the diamond’s shape, which affects the way the diamond interacts with light. A diamond with a high quality cut has different proportions and a good polish that utilize the light so the diamond is bright and spectacular.

At The Diamond Reserve, our expert jewelers are dedicated to helping each customer find the perfect diamond. Call today to make an appointment.


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