How do you clean a new tongue piercing? | CHURINGA BODY JEWELRY REVIEWS

Bring a small saucepan of water to boil and let your tongue jewelry sit in the boiling water for two to three minutes. During this time, you could rinse with a mouthwash, brush your tongue, or practice other oral health hygiene. Alternatively, you can soak your tongue jewelry in rubbing alcohol for 10 to 15 minutes.

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In this manner, how do you clean your tongue with a tongue piercing?

We advise that you brush your teeth and tongue gently twice a day, rinse your mouth out with a non-alcoholic mouthwash, and dab your tongue piercing with a salt-water soak to keep it clean.

Considering this, when can you stop cleaning your tongue piercing? After 6 to 8 weeks, most tongue piercings will be fully healed. However, this doesn’t mean you can stop cleaning your tongue piercing. You should always make sure you’re keeping your mouth and jewelry as clean as possible. A tongue piercing infection can develop at any time, even if you‘ve had your piercing for years.

Subsequently, how can I make my tongue piercing heal faster?

Some other strategies that can speed healing include:

  1. brushing the teeth regularly to keep the mouth clean.
  2. rinsing the piercing after each meal.
  3. not smoking.
  4. minimizing talking during the first few days.
  5. not playing with or touching the piercing.

What not to do after getting your tongue pierced?

On the flip side, don’t:

  1. use tongue scrapers.
  2. play with your jewelry.
  3. engage in french kissing or oral sex until the piercing has completely healed.
  4. play contact sports with your jewelry in your tongue.
  5. smoke or drink alcohol during the healing process.

Can you brush your tongue after piercing?

Rinse at least once a day (more during the healing period). Gently brush your tongue and jewelry as plaque can build up on your tongue jewelry.

Does a tongue piercing make your breath stink?

It’s harder to brush around studs in the tongue or rings in the lips, so plaque can build up over time. If you don’t clean your oral piercing regularly, your breath can start to stink as a result. … Even if you get oral piercings in a sterile environment, you can develop an infection after the piercing.

Is Listerine good for tongue piercing?

Continue your regular oral hygiene routine as your tongue piercing heals, but be gentle. … If you normally use an alcohol-based mouthwash like Listerine, switch to a gentle, breath-freshening, non-alcoholic alternative like Recovery Oral Piercing Aftercare during the tongue piercing healing process.

When can I give oral after tongue piercing?

You’ll also have to be careful to prevent bacteria getting into the mouth which means no smoking, kissing, putting your hands in your mouth OR engage in oral sex. You should avoid this for as long as possible, with many websites advising against oral sex for at least 4-6 weeks.

Can you chew gum with a tongue piercing?

Avoiding Problems: A few temporary lifestyle changes can also help you avoid some serious complications after having tour tongue pierced. This includes avoiding oral sex while your piercing site is healing. Do not have things like chewing like chewing gums or mints while the tongue is healing is also advisable.

Can I eat pizza with a tongue piercing?

It’s usually recommended to wait at least two weeks to eat hard food. Until then you can eat, but it’s better for the healing process if you stick to soft foods until you feel you’re ready for the hard.

Why does the bottom of my tongue piercing hurt?

If you’re experiencing pain under your piercing at the bottom, make sure to pay attention. It may be a simple issue like a piercing that’s too tight or irritated. On the other side, the pain may be a sign of a more serious problem. Be ready and willing to contact a medical professional if you think that’s the case.

How bad does it hurt to get your tongue pierced?

How much does the tongue piercing hurt? The tongue may seem like it would be sensitive, but most report relatively low piercing pain. With an experienced piercer, you will feel a pinch, but they’ll conduct the procedure quickly, so it will be fast. The real pain comes in the days immediately afterward.

Can I drink after getting my tongue pierced?

You can go out drinking after getting a tongue piercing. You should avoid alcohol for a minimum of two to three weeks after a piercing as it can cause irritation, pain, excess swelling, and other complications. But after that, you can drink to your heart’s content.

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