How to Buy a Larger Diamond Engagement Ring | CHURINGA WEDDING BAND

mr5613-50s-rsiThey say that size doesn’t matter – but that certainly doesn’t apply to diamond engagement rings. When you want to propose to your sweetheart, you want to present her with a ring that will make her jaw drop. Sometimes that doesn’t always happen with a tiny diamond engagement ring!

Yet no matter how much you want to buy a larger diamond engagement ring, your budget might be holding you back from buying your future fiancée’s dream ring. But there are ways to buy a larger diamond engagement ring without having to break a bank – or rob one.

If you want to find a massive diamond engagement ring for the love of your life, read up on these tips on how to buy a larger diamond engagement ring.

They say that size doesn’t matter – but that certainly doesn’t apply to diamond engagement rings. When you want to propose to your sweetheart, you want to present her with a ring that will make her jaw drop. Sometimes that doesn’t always happen with a tiny diamond engagement ring!

Yet no matter how much you want to buy a larger diamond engagement ring, your budget might be holding you back from buying your future fiancée’s dream ring. But there are ways to buy a larger diamond engagement ring without having to break a bank – or rob one.

If you want to find a massive diamond engagement ring for the love of your life, read up on these tips on how to buy a larger diamond engagement ring.

It’s All In The Cut

If you’re looking to buy a bigger diamond engagement ring, stop looking at carat size. Instead, focus on the ring setting. You see, certain cuts make diamonds look smaller than they actually are, even if they’re larger carats. Round-shaped diamonds like solitaires make diamonds look smaller because the diamond is the focal piece of the ring. Therefore, even a decent-sized diamond can be made to look smaller despite the fact that it’s a higher carat count.

If you want to make the diamond engagement ring look bigger, opt for a diamond ring that features multiple diamonds. This cluster of diamonds will look like a larger diamond, despite being comprised of smaller jewels. Another cut that can make diamond rings look bigger is the Asscher cut, which is also referred to as the square emerald cut. The Asscher cut has more facets, which means the diamond reflects more light. Your fiancée won’t be able to believe the carat size when you tell her!

Buy From An Online Retailer

If you’re not happy with the idea of buying a smaller ring for the love of your life, then consider buying a diamond engagement ring from an online jeweler. Online jewelers often buy wholesale from diamond sellers, which cuts out the traditional jeweler from the entire process. This means you won’t have to spend as much money to buy the diamond engagement ring of her dreams. Be sure that any online jeweler has a generous return policy and a long history of happy customers.

No matter what your budget, these tips will help you buy a bigger diamond engagement ring for the love of your life!


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