How to Choose Swarovski Birthstone Jewelry for Your Special Someone | CHURINGA BRASS JEWELRY

How to Choose Swarovski Birthstone Jewelry for Your Special Someone

Want to show someone you care? Click here for some tips on how to choose Swarovski birthstone jewelry for your loved one and why it makes the perfect gift.

Keyword(s): swarovski birthstone jewelry 

When people think, special gift, they think Swarovski. The 3 billion dollar Swarovski empire proves its value, adoration, and demand. 

The Swarovski business was named after its founder, Daniel Swarovski in 1895. The name’s worn well to this day, as its jewels provide forever friends. 

The Swarovski name makes shopping easy. Buying jewelry for loved ones can feel like finding a needle in a haystack without a quality name brand.

Once you know your designer, you can peruse their collection anywhere. Swarovski’s not limited to elite, unaffordable items. Things like Swarovski birthstone jewelry make it accessible for anyone to have the best of the best.

Here’s how to choose the right jewelry for your loved one.

Swarovski Birthstone Jewelry

You may have heard of Swarovski crystals, though Swarovski’s not actually crystal at all. Their precise painting and polishing process makes their glass unmatched. Their jewels appeared in the 1932 film Blonde Venus and carry iconic significance to this day.

Gifting your loved ones with Swarovski birthstone jewelry’s a way to communicate your feelings. Swarovski jewelry represents:

  • Elegance and class
  • Glitz and glam
  • Something special and unique 
  • Feelings of luxe and indulgence

Swarovski birthstone gifts can be as simple as you wish, or statement pieces for bigger sentiments. Birthstones are personal and, as a birthstone gift-giver, you create two special dynamics:

  • A deepened relationship between you and your loved one
  • A deepened relationship between your loved one and themselves

Birthstones are timeless since they’re unchanging. Beyond the sentiment of a beautiful gift, each birthstone holds its own significance. 

Once you know your loved one’s birthstone, you can make an intentional choice based on its meaning. How might the meaning of the stone impact the way you give it? How can you infuse the stone’s love, protection, hope, purity, or beauty into the giving of it?

The giving informs the receiving. Stones are beautiful alone, but your loved one will remember when and why they received this gift from you.

Here’s how to pick the best Swarovski birthstone jewelry.

How to Choose Swarovski Birthstone Jewelry

After learning your loved one’s birthstone, you have a few options. Before choosing among bracelets, rings, and necklaces, ask yourself:

  • What’s the occasion?
  • What message am I communicating?
  • How long have we been together?
  • What does this represent about our relationship?
  • How do I want them to react when receiving this?
  • Would I like receiving this if I were in their shoes?

Roma Designer Jewelry makes upscale brands like Swarovski affordable while maintaining its sentiment. Be sure you’re gifting Swarovski on a special occasion, otherwise, it could send the wrong message.

It’s hard to receive a Swarovski and not feel as though the relationship’s progressing. Be sure you’re ready for that. The jewels tell all!

Swarovski Birthstone Rings

Rings are the real deal of jewelry. If you’re not proposing, be sure to get a ring designated for a different finger, or else there may be some confusion. 

You might think Swarovski birthstone rings are different than engagement rings, but plenty of women would love a birthstone ring as their engagement ring!

For that reason, consider the symbolism of rings as gifts. Are you signifying your binding as a couple? Is it a promise ring?

Wearing rings on different fingers carry diverse meanings. If you decide on a ring for a specific finger, it can help you clarify the meaning of your gift.

Even if you’re not proposing with a Swarovski birthstone ring, there’s no doubt your partner will love that you’re starting to shop for rings! That’s a step in the right direction.

Swarovski Birthstone Necklaces

Wearing Swarovski around the neck’s a strong statement piece. Decide what shape, symbol, and chain you envision on your loved one. If you’re influenced by Swarovski birthstone jewelry, you can get a necklace with their birthstone or birthstone color.

Wearing necklaces is profound symbolism. The energy of a jewel resting over the heart infuses a specific energy into one’s being. Wearing their birthstone over their chest can symbolize:

  • Self-empowerment
  • Strong sense of self
  • Groundedness
  • Alignment with the true self
  • Love and connection to self and others
  • Union in partnership
  • Symbol of a sacred bond

When it comes to choosing a specific piece, think about what makes you think, yes, that one. Perusing options can help you sharpen your intuition around what your partner might like.

It can also help to consider their current jewelry selection. What don’t they have? Do you want to gift them something unique, or something that will complement another piece they have?

If your partner has an everyday sacred locket, it may be a tough sell to get them to wear another piece. Consider how rings or bracelets can complement their favorites.

Swarovski Birthstone Bracelets

Is your partner a bracelet person instead? Some people prefer earrings to necklaces, or rings to earrings. If your partner’s a bracelet person, they’ll appreciate a Swarovski birthstone bracelet.

Swarovski jewelry pieces are usually stand-alone, meaning, they’re not meant to join an arms collection of bracelets. To make your gift stand out, consider your partner’s relationship to their birthstone.

Do they know it? Do they love it? Do they have to learn about it?

Identifying where they stand with their birthstone can inform your decision. Getting your partner their first tanzanite bracelet will differ from finding something for someone who collects birthstone jewelry. 

Great gifts come from two opposite experiences.

  1. Not needing to say a word about it
  2. Having to orient your loved one to it

Depending on your relationship and your loved one, decide if you’ll invest in a breathtaking piece or one that needs an introduction. Either way, Swarovski’s the way.

Swarovski Birthstone Beauties

Swarovski birthstone jewelry never makes for a bad gift. It just requires you, the gift-finder, to be discerning about your loved one’s preferences.

You’ll learn that buying a gift for your loved one can be an introspective, informative, and intentional experience. The result is a lasting, luxurious gift and an even longer-lasting love.

Shop our Swarovski collection today to find which jewels are right for your love!

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