How to take an awesome engagement selfie | CHURINGA Diamond

You’ve been waiting your entire life for that special someone to pop the question. Make sure you capture it with the perfect engagement selfie. Find out everything you need to know to choose the right setting, lighting, and angle on your special day.

Lighting is Everything

Every photographer knows that a well-lit shot can mean the difference between a mediocre photo and an amazing one. Choose your lighting wisely by taking your photo in natural sunlight. If you’re taking your engagement selfie on an overcast day or inside, try to take it in direct light.

Practice Shots

Your engagement selfie will last a lifetime. Don’t assume that your engagement selfie will be one and done. Feel free to take a few practice photos before settling on a shot that captures the true essence of your engagement ring. You can even take your practice shots a few days before you get engaged. Simply take a few photos of your bare hand in various types of lighting and at different angles.

Prepare Yourself

The last thing you want is to be unprepared on the day your sweetheart pops the question. Keep your nails trimmed and tidy, and choose your polish colors wisely if you think you’ll get engaged that week. You can glean some inspiration by checking out the hashtag #engagementselfie on Instagram if you need a little help choosing a polish color or nail art.

Choose Your Setting

The idea that you need to take your engagement selfie immediately is just plain false. If your special someone pops the question in a darkened restaurant, don’t feel you need to snap your photo straight away. Take a drive to the beach or a walk along a promenade. Head to your favorite scenic point for your photo to ensure your shot is as exciting as your fiance.

Test Your Angles

Aside from the setting and your gorgeous hand, your engagement selfie is all about the engagement ring. Tilt your hand to discover the best angle for your photo. You want your ring’s size and shape to stand out in your photo. Feel free to take a few shots from different angles to ensure your loved ones can see your ring in all its glory.

Your loved one popping the question will only last a few moments, but your engagement selfie will last forever. Don’t try to rush the photo, or you might end up regretting it. Take your time, and try a few angles and settings before settling on the perfect shot.


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