How To Trust in The Lord ? | CHURINGA CROSS JEWELRY

Have you ever felt like the world is against you ? Like you hate everything ? Given up on everyone ? They say the world is full wonders. Today you will laugh, tomorrow you will cry. Life is a two-way traffic. It has ups and downs.

If your life is a straight line, then you need to think about what you do, the purpose and your target. Sometimes you usually reach a point where you have a lot of sentiments.

That’s true! You hate your job, you are not performing well in class, your friends are not there for you. The sentiments become more painful where even the person you treasure lets you down.

How To Trust in The Lord ?

This is the low life deep points in your life. A point where you see no light at the end of the tunnel. All you see it dark clouds. But there is hope. Are you wondering where? Well, Jesus is hope. In the bible, Jesus says he is the way, the truth, and the light.

Why don’t you try to put all your trust in the Lord ? Think about it.You are like a candle in a stormy desert. Jesus is the shelter you know why?

Mark 4: 35-41, it was in the evening when Jesus accompanied by his disciples crossed the Sea of Galilee. Just as he was they took with him in the boat and crossed.

As Jesus was asleep, a violent squall with waves turned out. The disciples got terrified and confused. They went to wake up Jesus who was sleeping. He was in a stern. Jesus woke up and rebuked the winds. He simply said:- “Quiet! Be still!”

The whole storm ceased and there was a great calm. He turned to them and asked one simple question.

– “Why are terrified ? Do you not yet have faith ?”

Just like the followers of Jesus, most of the time we have storms in our lives. It makes you have forgotten and lose hope from everyone.

Even God has power over everything. The one who loves us so much that He gave his only son to be crucified for our sake.

He says ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. It does not matter the trouble you are in, how big is the problem. All you have to do is seek Him and have faith when seeking.

Through the Storm, How Can We Have Trust in Him ?

The only weapon that will guide you in trusting in Him is in the bible. Always read the bible. Let it be your close friend. You will be surprised how your life will be.

You will conquer your storms. Always remember that God will never desert you. He will never forsake you. when you are troubled, just kneel and pray. Always believe He will give you what you seek.

Have in mind that:

No matter your problem, He is in charge and capable of handling your problems.

“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”John 16:33


In everything in this world, you are the most precious thing to Him. He loves you.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11


In everything that he does, it is for your good and a purpose in your life.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28


Through the dark storms, he will provide you with strength and be your anchor.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”Isaiah 41:10

He never delays. In the bible, He says he has plans for you.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”Ecclesiastes 3:1


He will be with you all the time. He is your father.

“The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them.”Psalm 145: 18-19

Be Prayerful !

Don’t let your anchor go. Whenever you are stuck, be His friend. Tell Him what you are going through, what pains and what troubles you. He always has time for us.

Pray when you wake up and when you go sleep. Always thank him for what he has done, for the life and make you reach this far.

But never lose hope in Him ! Pray about everything. Let His Holy spirit fill your heart.

“So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.”Corinthians 4:18 

Gaze High !

Search for him. Do not lose hope. Do not live your life like it was yesterday ? Have a purpose. Ask yourself this; what is my purpose ? What is my goal ?

Yes, you will have a terrible life sometimes, but with your eyes on Him, you will win. Yes, you are a winner ! But only when you seek God.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”Philippians 4:6-7

 – Through God, Life Will Be Fruitful and Enjoyable.

Joel Osteen – Unconditional Trust


Read next: Joyful Mysteries. When you look at the Rosary of the Catholic Church you will see that there are 50 small beads amongst a total of 5 larger beads. These are each used in order to pray to God and to ask for blessings.

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