Mistakes To Avoid When Proposing | CHURINGA Diamond

For many of us, we spend decades searching for that perfect match. So, when we finally find them, it is exhilarating. But when it comes to proposing, it is inevitable that you will encounter some anxiety. Where should I propose? Should I get down on one knee? Even the most even-keel couples experience some form of anxiety when it comes to proposing. After all, this is the story they both of you will be telling for years to come. So, you want to make sure everything goes off without a hitch. Below we have assembled a list of tips designed to make sure your proposal story is one you will want to tell.

Never Show Up Empty-Handed

Ranked as the number one engagement faux pas, proposing without an engagement ring is a major no-no.  Of course, your declaration of eternal love and commitment should be the most important part of the proposal, but presenting your beloved with a sparkling diamond engagement ring adds a little icing to the cake.

Nervous about picking the right engagement ring?  No problem. Our expert diamond brokers have worked with hundreds of couples to create the perfect engagement ring.  Not sure what style of ring your love prefers? Our experts will work with you to choose the best wholesale loose diamond for your budget. We can then place the stone into a solitaire setting, that you can then trade in for the setting of your choice after she says yes!

Test The Waters

Never propose before you have had the marriage conversation with your loved one. Popping the question before you and your significant other have discussed your plans for the future is a BIG mistake. All couples should make sure they are on the same page and moving toward marriage. This can be done easily with just quick check-ins throughout your relationship. Marriage is a lifetime commitment and should not be entered into without a thorough conversation with your S.O.

Proposing In Front of An Audience

In this age of YouTube proposals, it is easy to fall prey to the need to make a grand gesture.  But this is not necessary. In fact, most brides-to-be preferred a quiet and intimate proposal. Keeping this vital moment in your relationship between the two of you allows for you to linger in your love bubble and truly bask in the excitement.

Side Note: While a big public proposal is not ideal, that does not mean a public place is out of the question. You can still have an intimate and private moment in a public space like a park. Just make sure the place fits the setting you are looking for.

Spilling The Secret

This is a major moment in your life, so it is understandable that you want to tell everyone. But this is not recommended. When you tell too many people about your plans, it increases the odds that somebody- even without meaning to will spill the beans. If you need help executing the proposal, tell as few people as possible. But, keep the intimate details to yourself.

Plan The Moment

Planning the perfect proposal will come down to two things: the location and the timing. Once you have found the perfect location consider when the best time of day is to propose. If you are planning an outdoor proposal, why not shoot for a sunrise or sunset proposal. This magic time of day adds a bit of romance and intimacy to any location.  

Side Note:  If proposing outdoors, be sure to check out the weather report prior to the big moment.

Make an appointment with The Diamond Reserve today to find the perfect ring for your love.


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