Plastic Belly Rings Vs. Metal(the Differences, Pros&Cons)

If you are shopping for body jewelry, the most important consideration you need to keep in mind is that you are buying jewelry that will be directly in contact with your skin, and in other cases, it will be in contact with body fluids. As a result, the body jewelry you choose should be made of the highest-quality materials.

But this is not all you need to keep in mind, and there’s one caveat when it comes to high-quality body jewelry – quality might be subjective to your body because your body might reject the metal used to make that high-quality belly/ navel ring. And in such cases, the cheaper options made of plastic or acrylic might be the best option for you.

With that in mind, which is the best body jewelry for you and is plastic better than metal (and vice versa)? Barbells are appropriate for belly/ navel and most other body piercings, but is a metal barbell better than a plastic barbell?

Plastic Belly Rings Available on Amazon-Click the Picture to Check Price

At the end of the day, body piercings are an expression of your personality and style, they are traditional, fashionable, and also an important part of your rich culture, but if you haven’t had a body piercing before, getting one now might feel too challenging, which is why we are offering some much-needed advice.

Keep reading for all the answers you have been looking for?

You will Learn in this Post

  • Plastic Belly Rings Vs. Metal
  • What is the plastic belly rings? And what is made of?
  • What is the metal belly ring? And what is made of?
  • Pros and cons of the plastic belly ring
  • Pros and cons of Metal belly rings
  • Choosing between the two – Which one is better?
  • Conclusion

Plastic Belly Rings Vs. Metal

Barbells, whether made of plastic or metal, are hard-wearing, attractive, adventurous, hard-wearing, and versatile, but when it comes to choosing the option that works best for you, the choice between metal and plastic becomes too tough. But it doesn’t have to be.

Let’s take a quick dive into the differences between plastic and metal belly button rings/barbells.

What is the plastic belly rings? And what is made of?

If the metallic belly button rings don’t work for you or if you’d rather not find out through migration or the rejection of the barbell, plastic belly button rings would make an excellent fit for you.

Plastic body jewelry might have a less-than-ideal reputation, but that plastic barbell would save you the risk of an irritated, infected, or a never-healing piercing. The plastic barbells are sometimes referred to as the flexible barbells, and they are made from flexible, high-quality, hygienic, and hypoallergenic materials. They are also bio-compatible and skin-friendly.

Plastic Belly Rings Available on Amazon-Click the Picture to Check Price

To ensure that you have zero issues with the plastic barbells, some of the materials that make up the plastic include PTFE/ Teflon and BioFlex. As long as these materials are metal-free and without monomers or fillers (these are carcinogenic by the way), the plastic jewelry will reduce the healing times significantly and even enhance the recovery process, especially if you follow the aftercare instructions as provided.

When looking for the best plastic body piercing jewelry, you will also come across acrylic barbells. Often, these are as safe as the PTFE plastic pieces, but we recommend that you confirm the materials used. The best of acrylic jewelry is made of PMMA, with no fillers or monomers.

What is the metal belly ring? And what is made of?

Metal Belly Rings Available on Amazon-Click the Picture to Check Price

Metal body jewelry is easily available and popular, and there are thousands of metal belly button rings and barbells on the market today. Somehow, most people think of metallic jewelry as the go-to option, and they are generally standard options. These metallic items of jewelry are also available in different shapes and designs, including the spiral, arrow-shaped, as well as the barbells which come in different sizes, colors, as well as shapes or motifs.

At the end of the day, however, your choices will depend on the metal used to make the jewelry and whether you are allergic to it or not.  Some of the most common metals used for body jewelry include medical-grade titanium, surgical steel, and blackline. In most cases, they are safe.

If you settle on metallic belly button barbells, you need to know that your decision comes with a high risk of rejection. Generally, you can tell that you are experiencing a piercing rejection if you can see more of the barbell than you did when you first got the piercing. These changes could also signify a migration, but you need to see a professional whichever the case.

Pros and cons of the plastic belly ring

Plastic Belly Rings Available on Amazon-Click the Picture to Check Price


  • Less risk of irritation, infection, migration, or rejection
  • It’s super affordable
  • Reduced healing times
  • Skin-friendly, biocompatible, and hypoallergenic


  • They look and feel cheap
  • The plastic barbells are not durable
  • Not a long-term solution

Pros and cons of Metal belly rings

Metal Belly Rings Available on Amazon-Click the Picture to Check Price

Pros of metallic belly rings

  • Easy maintenance
  • Hygienic
  • Attractive designs
  • Easy customization
  • Easy to find
  • Medical-grade metals are a good option


  • A high risk of allergies for some metals
  • The safest metals are often pricey
  • There is a high risk of rejection or migration, especially if you choose the wrong metal

Choosing between the two – Which one is better?

While metallic belly button barbells are generally the better option, they aren’t the best option always, especially if you react to metal (severely or moderately), and a reaction of any kind in a piercing could mean more problems, let alone prolonged healing times.

So, if you are allergic or worried about a potential adverse reaction, plastic or acrylic is a definitely preferable option. If you choose plastic, you should know that the plastic barbell is not an ideal permanent solution, and metals like platinum or titanium would be preferable options.

To avoid sensitivity reactions, we recommend investing in high-quality, often expensive jewelry. And only choose plastic if you aren’t healing too well. The other reasons why metal is the best option overall include the fact that you have to remove and wash plastic jewelry every day (not ideal for a healing piercing), and there’s also the porosity factor, which means the risk of chemical leaching into your body over time.

Metal Belly Rings Available on Amazon-Click the Picture to Check Price


Plastic body piercing barbells or rings might be a good fit for you in the short-term, but metallic pieces are preferable in the long run.

All you have to do is to settle for the implant-grade metals, and if these fail, go for glass. Plastic will be a good fit after you’re fully healed and when you need to remove the metal barbell for a short duration.

Looking for more piercing tips or fashion jewelry metals. Click the links to read more. Or visit our latest fashion jewelry articles

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