Real Is Rare | CHURINGA Diamond

Is “Real is Rare” poised to replace “A Diamond is Forever?” Probably not anytime soon, but The Diamond Producers Association (DPA) is hoping its “Real is Rare. Real is a Diamond.” campaign will, in the long-term, stoke millennials’ interest in diamonds. The new ads use a storytelling technique the producers hope will connect with a generation that is redefining how life is lived and how relationships play out.

Making a Connection

The two ads released so far explore the difference between people “being connected” and having an emotional connection. While technology allows millennials to stay connected in ways previous generations could not, they tend to find it more difficult to find someone to have a genuine lasting connection with. The campaign focuses on the “this is the one” moments every couple experiences and emphasizes how precious and rare it is, just like the perfect diamond. Jean-Marc Lieberherr, DPA’s CEO, stresses the ads are about the couple, not the diamonds: “They are about the role that diamonds play in their lives.”

A Break with Tradition

What’s instantly apparent about the ads is that they don’t highlight any specific diamond product, such as an engagement ring. That was deliberate on the DPA’s part, which hopes the ads tap into the millennial rejection of formalized rituals. While both ads are built around the couple’s move towards long-term commitment, neither ad makes it clear the commitment has been formalized with the presentation of the diamond jewelry the woman is wearing.

Most of all, the ads are a dramatic shift from the way falling in love and getting engaged has been portrayed for decades. Neither relationship represents “ideal” love – the ads show real life ups and downs, and the voiceover is what some might call brutally honest. They are a bit racy, which certainly grabs your attention. The diamonds are not the focus, though they are prominently displayed, even if for a much briefer time than in more traditional ads.

The first ad, “Runaways,” introduces an exotic-looking young couple who decided to run away together after their first date. The second, “Wild and Kind,” features a more traditional look at a relationship, with the couple mindfully committing to each other after a series of ups and downs most people will recognize and relate to. Both ads are a deliberate departure from what’s been seen before but are still meant to evoke the familiar emotional reaction as ads from the past.

A New Generation

The ads are very much targeted to a generation that hasn’t been exposed to much diamond advertising. The hope is to make diamonds relevant and real to couples who are known to eschew material goods in favor of life experiences. For the DPA, if millennials can be convinced to see diamonds as a symbol of the perfect connection, the campaign will be a success. Ready to take the next step in your relationship? Contact The Diamond Reserve today to learn more about choosing the right diamond for that perfect connection.

See what #RealIsRare is all about below.




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