Should Your Jacket Be Longer Than Your Shirt?

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The length of your jacket can make or break the final result of your look. Your jacket’s length may also be influenced by seasonal trends or for the occasion you plan to wear it. We’ve scoured the internet in search of fashion’s best recommendations for whether your jacket should be longer than your shirt. The answer may surprise you!

In general, your jacket should be longer than your shirt underneath. This comes from a style perspective to create an overall pleasing look. If your jacket looks shorter than your shirt, it creates the illusion of a wrongly sized, too-small jacket. A blazer longer than your shirt is an example of a put-together look that can be great, either worn casually or formally.

As you continue to read this article, we will discuss why longer styled jackets tend to be more appropriate year-round than cropped or shorter versions. We will give you style tips and tricks alongside visual examples to find your own style. Let’s take a look!

A formally dressed couple wearing stripped tuxedos and light gray color jeans, Should Your Jacket Be Longer Than Your Shirt?

Styling Your Jacket Longer Than Your Shirt

When considering whether or not your jacket should be longer than your shirt, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • Where am I going?
  • What type of event/occasion is it?
  • Is my jacket going to remain on during this event?
  • What is the style of my jacket?

To make that final decision on whether your jacket should be longer or shorter than your shirt underneath, answering these questions can make this process much easier. Seasonally speaking, a longer fitting jacket looks best in cooler or fall climates, while a cropped may be better for a warmer summer occasion. Cropped styles tend to fall in line with relaxed and more casual settings, so consider that when choosing your outfit. Wearing a longer shirt underneath your jacket may reduce the number of options you have to style your look.

A man wearing a brown tuxedo and a turtleneck shirt

There is truly an endless amount of combinations when pairing a jacket with a garment underneath. You also do not have to just wear a shirt underneath your jacket but can experiment with sweaters or turtleneck styles. Referring to the photo above, you can see the model wearing a turtle neck sweater that is shorter than his jacket, creating a very stylish and professional look.

Long Jacket Styles

Long jackets, even of various materials, are incredibly versatile. Worn longer than a blouse or dress shirt, you’ll achieve a business casual or semi-formal look with a long jacket.

Formally dressed couple wearing stripped tuxedos and light gray color jeans

Going long gives you the option to really shorten up your shirt beneath. Here, we see denim worn casually to accentuate a playful white T-shirt.

A sweet couple holding hands wearing denim jackets on a park

Long is also seasonal, as we’ve mentioned previously, as seen here wearing a long denim jacket with a warmer, long-sleeved shirt beneath.

A couple wearing long denim jackets and jeans while standing on a gray background

Short Jacket Styles

Shorter jackets paired with long sleeve tops are a great autumn look.

A couple wearing leather jackets and scarf

Cropped jackets can be worn to make a statement, easily accessorized with bright colors.

Two formally dressed woman wearing dark red and yellow jackets with a tucked-in white shirt

A longer shirt underneath a shorter jacket can also be worn as a punk or alternative fashion.

A sweet couple wearing black leather jackets

Are Jacket Sizes The Same As Shirt Sizes?

Jacket sizes tend to run larger compared to shirts. Shirts are usually more form-fitting, while jackets tend to run bigger because they are meant to cover layers beneath. Jackets go on last, the final detail, and are intended to keep you warm and comfortable. Check out “31 Types of Coats and Jackets You Should Know.”

Size is extremely variable, dependent on body shape and style preferences. Take, for instance, the baggy boho look versus a form-fitting look. A longer jacket might give you that ideal baggy style, while a cropped, tighter jacket slims the fit to wear with cropped shirts or dresses. Luckily there are so many options for sizing and fit to express yourself however you prefer!

Can You Wear A Blazer With An Untucked Shirt?

Wearing a blazer with an untucked shirt has increasingly become more and more popular among young professionals. In recent years, this style of wearing a blazer has been deemed trendy by tech companies and younger audience targeted companies. Google’s and Apple’s CEO can be seen wearing their shirts untucked with a blazer while presenting new products.

A formally dressed businessman wearing a blue jacket and a leather bag while walking on an airport aisle

Many have opted out of tucking in their shirts with a shift towards more casual and comfortable clothing. Some even find that tucking in a shirt with a blazer looks rather dated and out of style. Both men and women can adapt this stylish alternative in a professional or non-professional environment.

A formally dressed woman wearing tuxedos and a gray under shirt

A shift toward a casual style within the workplace has been linked to more confidence and less social awkwardness amongst employees and employers. The clothing you wear should make you feel good and allow you to work freely and effortlessly.

A formally dressed man wearing a purple jacket jeans and white shirt going skateboarding

How Do You Know If A Jacket Is Too Big?

Realizing a jacket may be too big for you is much more complicated than one would think. Winter parkas obviously have a larger look and fit, but should your blazer or bomber jacket? Size is very subjective and needs to be considered by the exact person wearing their item.

Jackets are great accessories that also serve a purpose. They keep you warm and comfortable while also offering a stylish touch to your ensemble. When looking at a business casual jacket, you will want it on the more form-fitting side. When considering you may be adventuring out into the cold outdoors, you might prefer a loose-fitting jacket to layer beneath. Occasion and climate play a major role in deciding what length your jacket needs to be to remain both appropriate and comfortable.

To Conclude

Generally, wearing your jacket longer than your shirt is most stylish. But, the overall look you want to achieve depends on your personal style and the occasion. Cropped jackets and clothing are considered very trendy and casual, while a more traditional length jacket is perfect for business or semi-formal occasions.

Trends come and go, but comfort and style always remain. From CEOs to everyday workers, jackets are an essential item to style and wear no matter the season or occasion. Wearing a blazer with an untucked shirt is a great compromise for those wanting a little more comfort, while cropped jackets with longer shirts are better for those out on the town. You can’t go wrong with having a little bit of everything in your closet.

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