Spring is engagement season! | CHURINGA Diamond

Spring is all about new beginnings, blooming, and flourishing. Everyone is beaming at the prospects of renewal and the excitement of braving yet another winter. For many this change in season inspires them to “spring” into a new journey such as engagement. Take a look at what makes springtime the best time to pop the question.

  1. Savings

While you may see pictures all over social media of friends and colleagues getting engaged over the holidays, it can often create financial stress and strain. The holidays are prime time for gift giving and can leave little room to buy your loved one a ring of their dreams. What’s worse is they might not even have the energy to think of a special proposal. The springtime gives you time to recover from the holidays and additionally many people use their tax return to purchase a ring.

2. Planning

In general, couples are usually engaged for 12-13 months prior to getting married. If you fall inside of that statistic that means that a spring proposal will yield a gorgeous spring or summer wedding.

3. Photo ops

As the weather warms the environment changes from the dull colors of winter to the bright and lush colors of spring. Which makes spring time as the optimum time for an engagement photo op as the opportunities for outdoor shoots are endless.

4. Showing off the ring

We’re not gonna lie—fiancées will be ecstatic to show off their new bling to every stranger they meet. And the best part of spring? No gloves to cover up their new rock!

Spring at The Diamond Reserve is one of our busiest seasons. We love hearing proposal stories and aim to help every client find the perfect ring that will help them create a memory that will last a lifetime.

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