The Diamond Reserve | Engagement Ring | CHURINGA Diamond

As the last installment of the Twilight Saga nears its release date, The Diamond Reserve thought it was a great time to examine the gorgeous ring that vampire, Edward Cullen gives to Bella Swan.  This ring may seem to some to be much more of a fashion item than an engagement ring.  However, unique rings of all different styles are becoming more and more popular for engagements.  Many women want to feel their ring is one of a kind, having an engagement ring that is more fashionable might be just the ticket.

Although, real life couple, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart has not decided to get engaged, the on screen couple of Edward and Bella have caused many jewelry stores to produce a reproduction of Bella’s ring.  The ring as described by author of the Twilight series, Stephanie Meyer, is said to be an oval shape with rows of round diamonds set in a gold web with a gold band.   Many people who have gone out to by the ring by reproducers are thrilled by the style and the beauty but disappointed by the fact that it doesn’t come with their own vampire love interest.

The great thing we have noticed about this ring is there are many different styles of it that could be appropriate for anyone, any age, or any style.  With this ring the creator has the ability to determine how large the oval is, how many diamonds are in it, the colors of the diamonds, and even the metal.  There are so many variations that even if you are a Twilight fan who wants Bella’s ring you can still have your own personal touch to it.

And don’t forget to catch the finale of the Twilight Saga this November when it hits theaters!

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