The History of the Infinity Symbol | CHURINGA DIAMOND

The History of the Infinity Symbol 27 November 2018 Image for The History of the Infinity Symbol

Infinity rings are the perfect embodiment of eternal love and devotion

When you are proposing to someone, you are making a vow to love and care for each other for as long as you both shall live. What better way to symbolise this than to present your other half with an engagement ring symbolising eternal love?

Infinity engagement rings are a fantastic way to display your devotion and dedication towards your partner. The design of an infinity symbol consists of a figure of eight on its side. It is often used notationally in mathematics and metaphorically with respect to love. However, when it comes to engagement rings, the symbol almost always represents eternal love.

What is the Meaning of an Infinity Symbol?

Originating from the Latin ‘infinitas,' meaning ‘unboundedness,' there are many different meanings of an infinity symbol. Today, the most common belief is that an infinity symbol represents endless love and a connection between two people. The two circles inter-connecting symbolises each side of the relationship, encompassing the notion of two connecting as one and being together forever. However, there are also many alternative meanings of the infinity symbol:

Ancient Meaning

Ancient Greek mathematicians and philosophers originally called the infinity symbol ‘lemniscate' meaning ‘ribbon.' This notion strives from Ouroboros, an ancient symbol depicting a serpent biting its own tail. This symbol is representative of infinity, immortality, continuity, self-fertilisation and eternal return.

Scientific Meaning

Perhaps a less romantic notion of the infinity is the one which is widely recognised today in mathematics. The symbol was discovered by English mathematician John Wallis in 1655. This concept related to a quantity with no bound or end that is larger than any number.

Spiritual Meaning

Originally, the symbol derives from a religious place, which is where the spiritual and positive meanings originate from. From a spiritual perspective, eight is the number of those who have transcended the seven stages of awakening and passed through the seven heavens. It is also the number linked to the power of resurrection and regeneration, which therefore symbolises happiness and paradise. This sign is said to also be something that lies within us, in the very basic structure of our genes since the strands of DNA is comprised of a figure of eight.

Celtic meaning

Celtic knot rings are composed of similar interweaving lines that are inspired by the infinity symbol. These Celtic knots pay homage to Irish, Scottish and Welsh culture and behold a similar meaning to the infinity symbol. The endless loops of the trinity knot similarly represent an everlasting love.

Infinity Symbol Origins

Throughout the ages and various cultures, the infinity symbol has represented a variety of concept and beliefs. As a mathematical device, the very first person to have written about the infinity symbol was Mathematician and Scientist, John Wallis in 1655. However, its symbolic significance has been around for much longer. There is a strong belief that the meaning of infinity ritualised from ancient India and Tibet where the symbol represented dualism, perfection and equilibrium between different genders. Despite the figurative nature of this symbol differing, most notions affirm that it represents eternity and everlasting love.

Why Buy an Infinity Engagement Ring

Proposing with an Infinity Engagement Rings is the perfect symbolic gift for the person you love. Infinitas, meaning unbounded or limitless, makes infinity diamond engagement rings an apt symbol. This representation of everlasting or endless devotion is the perfect embodiment of eternal love and equilibrium. Given the figurative meaning behind it, there is no better way to make this timeless vow than to do it with Infinity Symbol engagement ring.

Our Favourite Infinity Engagement Rings

Here at Diamond Heaven, we offer a range of stunning infinity engagement rings. Some of our favourites include the Infinity Twist Princes Diamond Engagement Ring, the Round Diamond Infinity Twist Engagement Ring, the Infinity Twist Round Diamond Vintage Engagement Ring, the Embellished Twist Marquise Diamond Vintage Plait Ring, the Infinity Love Swirl Round DIamond Engagement Ring and the Infinity Round Shoulder Set Diamond Engagement Ring.

There is no better way to symbolise your everlasting love than buying an Infinity Engagement ring. As Omnichannel Jewellery Retailer of the Year (2018), here at Diamond Heaven, we offer a vast array of beautiful Infinity Engagement Rings. If you need help on picking the perfect Infinity Engagement Ring or are interested in some of the other products on our site please contact us and we will be more than happy to help.

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