Which Side Should I Pierce My Nose?

Which Side To Pierce my Nose?

Left Side Nose Pierce

The left side of the nose is oftentimes the most preferred side to get pierced.
While there is usually no logical reasoning for this in most cases, in some Hindu cultures, women get their noses pierced on the left side in the belief that it strengthens a woman’s womb and suppresses menstrual and childbirth pain, although there have been no scientific studies to prove this connection.

For some, it’s just a comfortable side of piercing. However, most people associate it with Ayurveda beliefs, which is okay if that’s what you believe. If you don’t, you can go for the one side people feel the most comfortable to pierce. It will even make it easy to change the jewels if you would like to.

Right side Nose Pierce

Most men will comfortably pierce the right side just because society expects them to. But if you are nontraditional, then it doesn’t matter; you can choose whichever side you like. There are other places where it indicates whether you are gay or not. But don’t worry about such options as they don’t matter.

4 Things to Consider on Nose Piercing Aesthetics

Since you want to make a fashion statement with your nose piercing, it’s okay to pick which side of the nose you should pierce based on aesthetics.


Hairstyle is different from person to person. The kind of nose piercing that looks great on one may not look so on another. Hairstyle plays a funny role in this.

For instance, if your hairstyle falls on one side of your face, say left, we advise that you keep your nose piercing on the other side. There is no point in having a nose piercing that isn’t visible enough or doesn’t enhance your look.

What this also means is that you should always put your nose piercing into consideration when styling your hair at the salon.

The shape of your Face

What’s the shape of your face? No face shape is better than the other when it comes to which side you should pierce your nose. You were born with the right shape for your face.

On the other hand, knowing the shape of your face will guide you in choosing the right side of the nose to pierce. This will determine how the piercing will look on you.

Is your face symmetric or asymmetric? If your face is asymmetrical, piercing usually compliments either side of your nose. But if you have a symmetrical face shape, you should try each with an artificial stud or ring to know which enhances your beauty more.
All you have to do is observe the face of your shape as well as the jawline. Better still, ask your loved ones for their candid opinion.

Existing Facial Features

The facial features that exist on your face have a role to play in whether your nose piercing is right on the left or not. Don’t miss that.
Do you have beauty marks? Pigment? Or other piercings on a particular side of your face? If these features don’t enhance your nose piercing on that particular side, you should consider having your nose pierced on the opposite side.

Sleeping with a Nose Piercing

How do you sleep? This is an important question you must consider to prevent any discomfort after piercing your nose on any side or regularly falling off.
If you sleep on the right side, you should consider nose piercing on the left side and vice versa. This is to help you stay comfortable when you are sleeping.

Mind you, some people also decide on which side of the nose to pierce based on whether they are left or right-handed. This is to help avoid difficulty when changing nose jewelry.

5 Things you need to Know Before Getting Nose Pierced

There Are Several Places In Your Nose That You Can Pierce. The most common nose piercing is nostril piercing. Other piercing locations include:

  • Septal Piercing: This is a piercing that goes through the nasal septum where there is a sweet spot called the “collumella”—the area between the bottom of the nose and the cartilage. This piercing should not go through the cartilage itself because that would be painful. A septum retainer or a hoop is the jewelry of choice for this type of piercing. This is a popular piercing, but it is not common because there are several pros and cons to consider.
  • Bridge Piercing: A straight barbell is placed on the bridge of the nose between the eyes. Because a bridge piercing is only a surface piercing it will be highly prone to rejection. Unfortunately, the bridge of the nose cannot handle deeper insertions.
  • Vertical Tip or Rhino Piercing: A curved barbell is used for this one. Both ends of the barbell will be visible—one end will be visible on the tip of the nose, and the other end will show under the tip.
  • Septril Piercing: A nose bone or curved barbell is inserted half-vertically on the bottom tip of the nose. This one is really complicated and requires a lot of time. For this type of piercing, some nose structures are better than others. Usually a wider septum area is preferable because there is more area to work with.
  • Nasallang Piercing: This is a tri-nasal piercing that goes through both the nostril and the septum. It will look like you have two nostril piercings on either side of your nose, but the piercing uses just one straight barbell that goes straight across.

Types of Nose Jewelry

  • Nose stud/nose bone
  • Nose hoop
  • Circular barbell
  • Nostril screw
  • L-shaped nose pin a.k.a. fishtail
  • Captive bead ring

Different Nose Ring Metals

Some nose ring metals are safe and some cause allergies or sensitivity.

The Safest Nose Ring Metals

  • Titanium: This is great for people with sensitive skin. It not only looks great, but it is also the safest metal for all body jewelry.
  • Surgical Stainless Steel: Surgical steel is a bit cheaper than titanium and is a very common metal used for body jewelry. It is safe to use, but it is not 100% biocompatible like titanium is. Most people can tolerate it just fine, but people with sensitive skin should choose titanium instead.
  • Gold: Gold is gorgeous, but it is easily rejected by the body. Some people may be able to pull off wearing it without any irritation once their piercing has healed, but gold should not be used on new piercings. Once the piercing has fully healed, choose 14k or 18k gold. Do not use gold-plated jewelry.
  • Silver: Sterling silver easily tarnishes and causes allergic reactions and bacterial growth.
  • Nickel: A lot of people develop a rash when their skin is exposed to nickel.
  • Any other metal that is not titanium or stainless steel.

Some says that started out with titanium, and it worked great. And had no reaction to it whatsoever. Even bought a cheaper piece to replace it with, and that was fine, too. If you’re allergic to nickel in any form, I suggest not even trying the pieces that have a nickel base.

Some got a different piercing, and swapped out to some inexpensive studs. Needless to say, anytime put them in, within a day or less, skin turned red and puss appeared. It was unattractive, to say the least, and also very uncomfortable. Don’t go cheap with metal that you’re using in your body. Save up if you have to, but don’t skimp.

Nose Piercing Healing Time

Type of Nose PiercingNose Piercing Healing Time
Nostril4-6 months
Septum6-8 weeks
Rhino or Vertical6-9 months
Nasallang4-6 months
Bridge8-12 weeks

You Have to Re-Learn How to Blow Your Nose

It’s something you learned how to do in kindergarten or earlier, but, when you pierce your nose, you have to learn how to do it all over again. While the piercing is still healing, it hurts an awful lot to push against it when you are holding a tissue there.

I discovered pretty quickly that you will wind up with some boogers caught on the inside of the piercing. The little “leg” in there will get all sorts of nastiness on it. For me, this meant that, during allergy season, I’d wind up with gunk on my piercing. One of the easiest ways to deal with it (when it got itchy) was to simply rinse it out the same way you would clean it when you got your initial piercing. Then, blow your nose like normal. Soft tissues are a necessity!

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