Helix Piercing [50 Ideas]: Pain Level, Healing Time, Cost, Experience

double helix piercing rings

Are you bored with lower ear piercings? Itching to add a new piercing to your growing collection? The helix piercing is a promising option!

Urban Body Jewelry

The resources below will give you an idea of what to expect for the cost, experience, jewelry options, pain level and healing time of a helix piercing.

What is a Helix Piercing?

Helix piercings are located on the outer curve of the upper ear cartilage. The location makes the helix piercing known as the “top ear” piercing. Helix piercings are presented in different variations, and it’s common to have more than one.

Two or three stacked piercings in this area are known as double and triple helix piercings, respectively. A similar variation known as the forward helix piercing is located on the frontal cartilage next to the face.

Helix piercing image

helix ear piercing helix piercing photo lower helix piercing image

Should You Get a Helix Piercing?


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  1. The helix piercing is one of the least painful piercings you can get since the outer curve of the ear does not have many nerve endings.
  2. It’s possible to combine helix piercings with other ear piercings to get creative. As an example, a helix piercing can be done as part of an industrial piercing.


  1. Healing time for helix piercings could be increased since the outer ear cartilage tends to have poor blood circulation.
  2. There is always a chance for jewelry rejection via infection or ear bump. To avoid these risks, choose a professional piercer and make sure you use quality jewelry in your piercing.

helix piercing pros and cons helix piercing cost - up to 40 usd helix piercing - one of the most common

Piercing Procedure

You’ll discuss the details of your helix piercing when you show up to your appointment. This includes picking out the style and size of jewelry you want. As part of setup, your piercer will clean and mark the location you choose for your helix piercing. Make sure you are happy with the location before moving forward!

Once you’re both ready, your piercer will puncture your ear cartilage with a sterile needle that fits your jewelry. Immediately after, they will thread the jewelry through the needle and your new helix piercing will be complete!

For more information on the helix piercing procedure, see the following video.

Read more about DIY ear piercing at home.

How Bad do Helix Piercings Hurt?

Helix piercing pain level – 4 out of 10

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Helix piercings are not very painful as there are almost no nerve endings in the outer ear cartilage.

The average pain rating for a helix piercing is 4/10. This does not account for getting double or triple helix piercings, which might increase this rating.

Check out the most and least painful piercings on the piercing pain scale.

Even though the initial piercing doesn’t cause much pain, you may still experience irritation in the days after getting pierced. Swelling, tenderness and itching are all potential side effects. It’s very important to follow the aftercare recommendations below to prioritize the health and safety of your new helix piercing.

helix piercing pain scale - 4 of 10 helix piercing experience

Healing Time

The lack of blood flow to the outer ear cartilage means you might expect a longer healing time with helix piercings.

Urban Body Jewelry

Initial healing usually takes anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Your helix piercing can become sore, swollen or infected if something has gone awry during your piercing procedure. Be attentive to your piercing during the first couple weeks especially to avoid these potential risks.

Your helix piercing will completely heal after 6-7 months.


Follow these simple guidelines to reduce the chances of irritation and infection during the healing period:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before touching your piercing. Keeping your hands clean decreases the amount of bacteria that could potentially get into your piercing.
  2. Do not spin or move your jewelry.
  3. Avoid tugging on your piercing with clothing or cellphones. This can cause infection and prolong the healing process.
  4. Do not remove your jewelry until healing is complete, since jewelry removal can cause piercing closure or infection.
  5. Remember to clean your piercing twice per day.

How to Clean Your Helix Piercing

Saline solution is recommended to clean your piercing because it is gentle and easy to prepare at home. Grab a gallon of distilled water and mix in four tablespoons of sea salt (not table salt). Your new piercing cleaner is ready for use!

Soak a clean pad or towel in your saline solution. Gently hold the saline pad on your piercing to dislodge any crusted debris. Be careful not to move your jewelry around as you clean your piercing.

If you’re on-the-go, saline spray is a great alternative to saline solution. Saline sprays can be found in piercing shops or online and they’re easy to throw in your bag at a moment’s notice.

Read more about ear piercing aftercare rules.
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Recommended Aftercare Products

Sea salt

Use sea salt in your saline solution at home for a gentle piercing cleaner.

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Piercing aftercare spray

Saline sprays are ideal for cleaning your piercing on a busy day.

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Best Jewelry for Helix Piercing

There is a wide variety of suitable jewelry for helix piercings. The most traditional option is a hoop that wraps around the outer ear.

Labret studs and barbells of all kinds are trendy options as well, just be careful to get one that’s fitted to avoid snagging.

Keep in mind any metal sensitivities you have while purchasing jewelry. Always insist on quality and go for gold, titanium or surgical steel you won’t have issues.

How Much Does a Helix Piercing Cost?

  • In the US, getting your helix pierced ranges from $20 – $60.
  • In the UK, getting your helix pierced ranges from £18 – £55.
  • In Europe, getting your helix pierced ranges from €20 – €50.

Helix Piercing Experiences

Urban Body Jewelry

Christina Andrusenko

My name is Christina. I’m passioned about piercing. I have 2 piercings for 17 years: Earlobe and Madonna. I used to have 3rd one before – nose piercing.

It pisses me off when I can’t find proven information about piercing type I interested in. That is why Piercee was created.

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