How To Hide Septum Piercing?

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Two Methods of Hiding Septum Puncture

Flip Up Your Septum Jewelry

This means to rotate your septum jewelry up into your nose, so it rests out of sight. This trick is not recommended for new piercings or during healing because it can irritate the tissue, possibly causing damage or tearing, which can lead to infection. When your septum piercing is healed, you can easily and painlessly try this trick out with horseshoe-shaped jewelry like curved barbells when you need to keep your septum piercing hidden. Keep in mind that everyone’s anatomy is different, so this may not work for every person or with every piece of septum jewelry.

Wear A Septum Retainer

A septum retainer is a piece of jewelry designed specifically to hide in the nose versus hanging down decoratively. It’s a smaller piece of jewelry that will have a snugger fit, usually made from glass, steel, titanium, or acrylic. Most retainers can actually be flipped down and be visible if desired too. Septum piercings are usually pierced with a horseshoe barbell or circular barbell, so if you are going to need to hide it during healing, a retainer is a safer way to go. Let your piercer know ahead of your piercing if you want a septum retainer.

Most piercings need to be covered with tape or removed to be hidden, but septum piercings are more flexible. Remember to always wash hands before and after touching your septum jewelry. You should leave a new septum piercing alone for 6-8 weeks before changing or flipping up the jewelry. If you have to hide your piercing before then, we recommend visiting your piercer to have them help you move it or change to a retainer to help avoid irritation and infection.

Step of Hiding Septum Puncture

Hiding a Newly-Pierced Septum

Choose the thinnest and most discreet piercing ring

The lowest width of a septum piercing ring is usually a 16 grams (0.56 oz) ring. Choosing the smallest size will help make the ring look less obvious. Avoid rings with diamantes because they will stand out when they catch the light.

Keep your septum piercing in for at least 6-8 weeks

Removing your piercing before it has healed is a bad idea as it increases the likelihood of the piercing getting infected or closing over. A bruised or swollen nose will catch people’s attention and also slow the healing process. Once you remove the ring you will find it hard to get it back in as the wound will be painful.

Cover the piercing with a small piece of skin-colored tape

This will not hide the fact that you have a piercing but will cover the area temporarily. This can be useful in work and sporting situations. Sports tape or fabric plasters both works well when trimmed down to an appropriate size. You will need to remove the tape each day in order to clean the piercing.

Clean your piercing each day with saline solution

Gently squirt saline solution around both sides of the piercing each day. Rinse the area with water afterward to stop the salt from drying out your skin. Avoid moving the piercing too much while cleaning it as this can cause irritation.

Looking after your piercing well will allow you to hide it much more effectively in the long run. The area will become very noticeable if it gets infected and swollen.

Concealing a Septum Piercing Using a Retainer

Purchase a septum retainer after 6-8 weeks

A retainer is a septum ring that you can flip inside your nose when you want to hide it. It will keep the piercing hole open while making it less obvious that you have a piercing. There are many different styles of septum retainer, many of which are inexpensive.

Choose a ring that is the same width as your current jewelry

You can purchase a retainer online or at a jewelry store. If it is your first time buying a septum retainer it is best to go into a store to look at retainers. This will help you decide which size and style will look best on your nose.

It is important to wait the recommended time before using a retainer. This will decrease the chances of your piercing getting infected.

Insert the retainer in the same way you would put in a regular septum ring

Use a mirror to help you find the hole inside your nose. Remove any stoppers from the jewelry and bring the piercing up to your nose. Slowly guide the retainer through the hole and re-attach any stoppers to the end of the jewelry. If it is hurting, stop pushing and try slightly changing the angle of the jewelry. Always wash your hands before changing your piercings.

How to care for new septum piercings?

Do’s and Don’ts of new septum piercings


  • Keep your septum clean by cleaning it at least 3-6 times daily with a saline solution throughout the healing window.
  • Take care of your general health by eating healthy, exercising regularly, staying hydrated, getting quality sleep, minimizing stress, avoiding infection-ridden environments, etc.


  • Take any blood thinners like aspirin, alcohol, caffeine and other forms of blood thinners as these could cause bleeding which may be hard to control.
  • Cause physical trauma to the septum piercing. This can be in the form of nose-picking, heavy nose-blowing, intense facial contact with another individual, etc.
  • Use any soaps including antibacterial soaps directly on the septum piercing. This is because soap can cause drying off of the wound which would slow down the healing process altogether.
  • Smoke cigarettes at all or at least not excessively if you have to. This is because the nicotine which is the active component of tobacco in cigarettes causes the constriction of blood vessels, particularly the smaller ones that supply blood directly to the healing wound. Less blood means fewer nutrients and oxygen to the wound which would delay healing,
  • Apply creams, ointments, or oils to your septum piercing because the oil-based nature or mere viscosity of these products can block the piercing thereby not letting it “breathe” which can adversely affect healing.
  • Change your jewelry before the recommended time. This may dislodge the clot that has formed if done too early. Be sure to wait as long as your piercer told you to which is usually not less than 6 weeks.

8 Questions About hiding the septum piercing

Can you hide a septum piercing right away?

Hiding your septum piercing for whatever reason can be quite easy compared to most other non-clothed locations because their piercing itself is shielded from view by the ala of the nose.

It is generally not advised to touch your new piercing while it is still healing. Usually, you should let it heal for about 6-8 weeks before changing the jewelry or flipping up the septum retainer.

If it is paramount that you change your piercing or hide it before the healing is complete, I would advise that you avoid doing it yourself and visit your piercer to have them change it to a retainer or move it to avoid irritation and/or infection which would further prolong the healing time.

Can I hide my septum piercing in the military?

You really can’t/do not as a septum piercing doesn’t align with the principles and standards of the military. Also, the military conducts strict full medical checkups before recruitment and if you get caught trying to hide one, the punishment may be severe.

If you have piercings and you wish to join the military, you have to take out the jewelry before your application and allow the hole to close on its own over time.

Some branches of the military, however, may permit the bearing of piercings by its officers as long as you don’t have the jewelry on while in uniforms.

Is it okay to put a retainer in a new piercing?

I would advise you to wait till the hole is healed completely. If you work/school at a place that doesn’t tolerate piercings at all, you would need to take it out and let the hole close on its own.

You can just as easily redo it when/if the policies on piercings change or you leave the establishment to one that is more tolerant of piercings.

Not like I recommend this in any way but a glass retainer can be used during a later stage of the healing phase because glass is generally way less irritating than metal or plastic materials. Glass, however, may be too heavy for the newly opened hole.

You are still very much in the healing phase within the first two months of the procedure and trying to switch out jewelry during this period can and will most likely affect the healing process.

Why is it just hard for me to flip my jewel?

Try going to a piercer for the flipping because maybe you aren’t doing it right. However, if you are sure you have used all the methods and can’t find the solution, then maybe it all has got to do with your body anatomy. Some of us can’t flip our jewels.

Is it easy to hide my septum piercing?

Of all other piercings we know of, this is the easiest one you can ever hide. So you will need to flip it and push it inside your nostrils. The good thing is that if you are using a suitable metal, then the piercing will keep on healing without causing complications.

Can anyone do it for you?

If you want to push it into the nostril, you should go to your piercer for it or, better yet, do it yourself. It’s not such an easy thing when you are just new.

Can I breathe with the jewels flipped in?

Of course, this is a genuine question since the jewel has somehow blocked the air passage. Some people find it hard to breathe, and if this is, therefore, you take it off. I would rather have you alive instead of causing accidents that you could avoid. Again this will depend on the body’s anatomy.

Why get a septum piercing when you will hide it?

I know it beats logic why we should make the piercing when we will just have to hide it anyways. However, some places require you to keep off such edgy looks. But that doesn’t mean you want to hide it. You will need to adhere to the social or company laws but when out you can show it off. So there’s nothing wrong with having the piercing.

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