How painful about the nipple piercing?

It mainly depends on the sensitivity of your nipples, and it can vary greatly from person to person. Some people may be restless at first and can drink purple naple. Some people can’t even withstand the breeze without strengthening the bumps. And some people are sensitive enough to reach the climax just by stimulating the nipple. When you ask a person with nipple piercing how much it hurts on a scale of 1 to 10, the answer is common. Pain is subjective. Tolerance to pain varies from person to person and can vary from day to day depending on factors such as stress levels, mood, and even the menstrual cycle.

What does the nipple piercing feel like?

All piercing hurts. And the human nipple is a very sensitive part of the body. Piercing an area full of sensitive nerves, a sharp pain is inevitable. Here are some real self-descriptions from nipple piercers.

Nipple Jewelry
Nipple Jewelry

Self-description From Nipple Piercer A

I was in Las Vegas celebrating my 30th birthday with my sister. After getting pretty intoxicated, I decided to get my right nipple pierced to commemorate the occasion. When the piercer clamped my nipple I knew I was in trouble, then came the excruciating pain. I’ll give it an 8 out of 10. It came out so cute, so i deemed it totally worth it.

For the next year and a half every time I got sick, my nipple got sick. It would get sore and puss a little. After that, it hasn’t been a bit of trouble. Seven years later I got my left one done. I was sober and that pain was a 10 out of 10. I wanted to punch the piercer! Ironically enough, it has never fully healed. 4 years later, and it still pusses and gets tender. But the look is totally worth it.

Self-description From Nipple Piercer B

I just got mine done, and the experience is still fresh in my mind. What I remember most, it took longer than I thought for the needle to make it all the way through my nipple. The first poke stings, no doubt about that. I felt it all the way through. It is a painful, stinging, sensation. The piercer did my right nipple first – it was tough, but not horrible. 5.5 out of 10 on the pain scale. I tried to relax before the piercer did my left nipple but I already knew it was going to burn and I think that added to my pain. The second piercing was worse for sure, I give it an 8 out of 10 on the pain scale.

It’s hard to explain but after being pierced, my nipples felt “constricted.” It was weird because my left nipple hurt more to get pierced but barely hurt the next day. My right nipple hurt less but it was really, really painful for the next few days. Everybody is different and every piercing is different, that’s just how my body happened to react.

Self-description From Nipple Piercer C

So both of my nipples are pierced, but I got them done at two different times. For the first piercing, I took a few Ibuprofen to try to help with the pain. I’d say the pain for that first one was a solid 9 out of a 10 but is very quick because the needle didn’t have much skin to go through (at least for me). TBH it didn’t hurt as bad as I thought it was going to. When I went in for my 2nd nipple, it was more of a 10 out of 10. I didn’t take any medicine this time so I was super aware of the needle pain. I know it sounds intimidating to hear 10 out of 10 but IMO the worst part is the impending pain rather than the actual piercing.

Here’s what you should really be prepared for sensitivity. Anything that touches your chest is going to have added sensitivity, especially anything that isn’t padded like a bra. After a week or two, it was ok, but for a while, I couldn’t wear a sports bra because it was just too much pressure. Also, be super careful about snags and bumps… Ouch!

Self-description From Nipple Piercer D

So I got both of my nipples pierced for my 23rd birthday. I had been wanting to get them pierced for a long time but never did it because of all of the hype about it being painful. I, a redhead, have a very high pain tolerance so I decided to go ahead and get it done. I went to the most popular shop in New Orleans with my boyfriend. When the piercer was ready for me to come back she suggested my boyfriend come with me as well. I wasn’t sure why at first, but I soon found out it was for emotional support lol. The clamps… hurt but not as bad as the needle. The first nipple didn’t hurt too bad. It was a sharp sting then done. HOWEVER, the second needle hurt. It felt like someone stabbed me in the chest (maybe because I was anticipating it). I’ve had them done for a few months now and they’re healed up, and I love them. I totally recommend it. Pain is only temporary my loves!

Nipple Stud
Nipple Stud

Self-description From Nipple Piercer E

On New Year’s Eve 2017 my wife died. We weren’t partying, it wasn’t a drunk driver, it was just a cold until it wasn’t. She had gotten a really bad cold about a week before. She was going to the doctor on the 2nd, but she didn’t make it. She was 45. Life is short, people in my family don’t live long. I’m 50, statistically, I’ve got 10 more years. So I started working hard on my bucket list. One of the items was to get something other than my earpiece. But let’s face it, I’m a chicken. I finally got up the nerve to get my nipples pierced, both of them, because generally, I like symmetry and I couldn’t decide which one to do, so screw it, do both.

Self-description From Nipple Piercer F

After the piercing, my nips were tender and felt tight. You know, like they had a hunk of metal poking through them. Oh ya, you think? After about a week the tenderness went away and so did the tightness. My piercer said it would take about six months to heal and not to touch the piercing. She had used barbells and I really want rings, but she said barbells are necessary to start. OK fine, it’s only six months. After three months the barbells were moving freely and that crust had stopped forming. So I figured, hey I finished early. Figures. So I got myself some rings and pulled out one of the barbells. Schloop, where’s the hole? Story of my life. Crap, maybe they weren’t healed? Actually, no they were not healed. So I tried to put the barbell back in. And tried, and tried, and cried, it hurt like hell, why did I not wait the full six months. I did finally get the barbell back in. And a few days later it was red, and discharge, and infected.

OK, so I go to get some antibiotics and listen to the doctor lecture me on how this isn’t healthy, etc. but… but… Bucket List. So now here we are a year later and I am easily changing out jewelry. I love my nipple piercings. They’re badass, they’re sexy, they’re no longer on my bucket list. I did it.

Self-description From Nipple Piercer G

Fast forward, the piercer prepares my nipples and here we are about to get the real deal going. Did I say I almost chickened out? Welp, yep I was in the chair & almost wanted to… never mind about this. Lol. Fast fwd again, she counts down & the first needle goes through. OMG I couldn’t believe what I felt… a sharp pain in my chest with an OMG moment. It hurt so bad! So then she proceeds to tell me that, actually the 2nd nipple usually hurts worse & in mind, I’m like… so there’s even worse pain?! NO WAY! So she counted down (3 to 0) & before she got to 1 she stuck my 2nd nipple. I think that’s why I didn’t hurt more on the 2nd nipple b/c I was waiting for the moment at 0 and not around 1. Lol, but they cleaned me up b/c I am a bleeder. I was so glad that was over w/ but also shocked that it had happened. Lol

All in all, they bled (not too bad) for about 2 weeks so at that point I was like they will never heal and I became worried. I reached out to friends and family members I knew and they gave me advice and told me they’d eventually heal, which they did. They are my favorite piercings out of my other 11 piercings. It’s always fun buying new jewelry! What I will say is get them done and let the process be behind you, don’t wear too tight clothing as sometimes they may get irritable and just take care of them like any other piercings and you will be fine.

Self-description From Nipple Piercer H

I am a few years late to this discussion but I recently just found it with a Google search. But Anyway I had my nipples pierced way back in 2003 when It was still fairly new. The piercer did everything described in the article. And my healing time was a little over a month but I found what brought me the most Comfort was wearing a snug-fitting bra but anyway back to my question. In 2013 I found out I was pregnant with my first child and I wanted to breastfeed so I took the piercings out. Soon after she was born I found out I wouldn’t be able to breastfeed due to issues unrelated to the nipple piercings. So soon after that, I had them pierced again.

The second time around it hurt way less and the healing time was much quicker. But by 2015 I felt like I was entirely too old to still have nipple rings so I took them out. Well, I found out a couple of days ago that the holes are still there, and not only are they there but the holes had filled up with what I can only assume is the same white stuff that comes out of ear piercings. It doesn’t smell (thank god) and my nipples are in fine shape except for the initial piercing they’ve never been swollen sore or inflamed. My question is how do I get them to heal up completely or at least get the white stuff that gets trapped in the piercing hole to disappear. It drives me crazy and I’m very self-conscious about it. It never did that when they were pierced with jewelry in them so I don’t know why or what is causing it to do it now.

Is It Normal For My Whole Breast To Hurt?

No. Even if you have particularly sensitive breasts, the pain from your nipple piercing shouldn’t affect the rest of your breast. Pain beyond the nipple may indicate an infection, so it’s best to follow up with your healthcare provider.

Nipple rings
Nipple rings

What Painkiller Can You Eat After Nipple Puncture?

Even if you take all the necessary precautions, there’s going to be some pain. An over-the-counter pain reliever, such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) is the way to go.

Applying an ice pack or cold compress over the area can be soothing, too. Just be careful not to press too hard or be too rough.

Using salt water to keep the piercing clean can also be soothing and help minimize pain and the risk of infection. To do this, dissolve ¼ teaspoon of sea salt in 8 ounces of warm water and soak the area.

How To Minimize Or Prevent The Pain Of Nipple Puncture?

Firstly choose an experienced piercer. The skills and experience of the piercer, and the type of equipment the piercer uses, can affect the pain of the procedure. Read the reviews to get recommendations from others who got the pinch. Once you’ve narrowed down your options, book to visit the store and talk to potential piercers. Ask questions about certification and its health and safety practices.

316L Stainless Steel Nipple Stud
316L Stainless Steel Nipple Stud

There are several other things you can do to relieve pain.

  • Reduce your stress levels. Being relaxed for your appointment is key. Easier said than done, we know, but being stressed lowers your pain tolerance. Before your appointment, do something relaxing, like yoga, which has been shown trusted Source to reduce stress and increase pain tolerance.
  • Use mental imagery. It sounds corny, but visualizing your happy place before and during your piercing can help you relax and manage the pain. Imagine yourself lying on a beach or sitting surrounded by soft puppies — or whatever makes you feel good. Just try to be as detailed as possible when imagining it.
  • Get enough sleep. There’s researchTrusted Source linking linked sleep deprivation to increased sensitivity to pain and lower pain tolerance and threshold. Try to get a good night’s sleep every night leading up to your appointment.
  • Don’t drink. Drinking before a piercing is a no-no. Not only is it not legal for someone to perform a piercing on a drunk person, but drinking beforehand can also make you more sensitive (physically and emotionally).
  • Get pierced after your period (if you have one). A lot of people also have breast tenderness just before their period starts. Scheduling your nipple piercing for a few days after your period might make it less painful.

8 Manifestations Of Infection Symptoms After Nipple Puncture

Pain is just one possible symptom of an infection. Here are some symptoms and signs to look out for.

  • extreme pain or sensitivity around the nipple or breast
  • swelling of the piercing site
  • the piercing feels hot to the touch
  • skin redness or rash
  • green or brown discharge
  • foul odor near the piercing site
  • fever
  • body aches

How To Treat The Nipple Piercing Infection?

Treating an infection from a nipple piercing is usually a simple process if it is caught early enough. Doctors may prescribe antibiotics in serious cases. There are also plenty of things that can be done in the home to help treat an infected nipple piercing.

316L Stainless Steel Nipple Stud
316L Stainless Steel Nipple Stud


Washing the area should be part of a basic after-piercing care routine, but it is more important if the piercing has become infected. Keeping the area clean, by using warm water and gentle soap, can help support the body, as it tries to clear out the infection.

Hot Or Cold Compress

A mixture of warm and cold compresses may help speed up the healing process.

A warm compress can increase the blood flow to the area, which can help reduce inflammation and drain the infection. A cold compress can help reduce swelling and relieve pain when it is applied. A cold compress should be used carefully around the nipple, as the skin is sensitive.

Sea Salt Wash

A simple treatment method is to rinse the area with sea saltwater. This is done easily by filling a small shot glass with purified water and then adding pure sea salt to it. There should be just enough salt to dissolve in the water easily.

Gently place the infected nipple into the shot glass and then tip the glass up and press it into the skin, to create a seal around the infected area. Hold the water there for 5 to 15 minutes and remove it. Rinse the area with warm water and gently dry.

A sea salt rinse, such as this, can be done twice a day for a few days. If symptoms of infection do not clear up, it may be time to see a doctor.

Wear Loose Clothing

When the piercing is infected and irritated, adding friction to the mix does not help. Wearing tight-fitting clothing that constantly rubs against the piercing may make symptoms worse.

Tight clothing can also hold more sweat and bacteria against the infected site. Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing, undershirts, or bras while the infection is healing.

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