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Animal Collection Lover Earring


Below is a quick guide to some of the most popular animals in jewellery and what qualities they each represent. Please note that different cultures around the world may impart different meanings to those listed below – this is simply a starting guide to the most common interpretations!

  • BAT Bats signify change and transition, as well as communication and nurture. They are often used as symbols for transformation, camouflage and superstition.
  • BEAR The bear is emblematic of grounding forces and strength, worshipped throughout time as a powerful totem representing courage, adversity and leadership.
  • BUTTERFLY Like bats, butterflies signify personal transformation, as well as renewal, playfulness, the soul and matters of the heart.
  • CAT Cats symbolise the exploration of the unknown, balance, adventure, curiosity and that which is hidden in the darkness.
  • COUGAR Cougars generally symbolise leadership, responsibility, decisiveness, primal power, feminine strength and patience.
  • COYOTE – These native American mammals are seen as both a teacher of hidden wisdom as well as an animal with humour. They are therefore often associated with trickery or mischief.
  • CROW The crow is linked to mystery and magic. Like the coyote, it is also a symbol of trickery, as well as luck, and is often associated with intelligence, higher seeing, mischief and destiny.
  • DEER The deer represents the sensitive and those with strong intuition. It has symbolically been used in art and jewellery to represent gentleness, innocence, vigilance and regeneration.
  • DOG – Domesticated descendants of wolves, dogs are symbolic of loyalty, faithfulness, protection and playfulness.
  • DOLPHIN The dolphin represents harmony and balance, inner strength and playfulness.
  • DRAGON In Chinese culture, the dragon symbolises power, honour, luck and success. It is a supernatural being with no parallel for talent and excellence. Ancient tradition associates dragons with leaders of the world, due to their dominant and ambitious character traits.
  • EAGLE The eagle is most frequently associated with intuition, creativity, vision and healing.
  • FROG The frog is symbolic of transience and strongly associated with all water symbols. It is also linked to cleansing, rebirth, fertility and transformation.
  • GOAT Goats are believed to be gentle, mild-mannered, stable, amicable and have a strong sense of kind-heartedness and justice. They are associated with strong creativity, perseverance but headstrong.
  • HORSE The horse represents personal drive, passion and appetite for freedom.
  • JAGUAR The jaguar is believed to be the gatekeeper to all unknown. It is associated with mystery, confidence, passion, change, dignity and widening perspectives.
  • LION The lion is the king when it comes to relentless fighters, representing courage, strength and challenge. He also symbolizes the wild and unharnessed power, as well as assertiveness and predatory feelings.
  • MONKEY – Known for its wit and intelligence, the monkey is mischievous, curious and clever. The monkey is a sign of creativity, ingenuity and resourcefulness.
  • OWL The owl is emblematic of wisdom and knowledge, reality and deceit.
  • OX Symbol of diligence, strength, dependability and determination. Known for their honest nature, patience and persistence for progress. Female oxes traditionally represented faithful wives.
  • PEACOCK The peacock has always epitomised beauty and grace, as well as spirituality and self-awareness.
  • PIG Diligence, compassion and generosity are traits attributed to the pig. Concentration, independence and a sense of calm are also symbolic of the pig. Pigs are often seen as a symbol of good luck.
  • RABBIT – The rabbit is considered to be quiet, gentle, skilful, responsible and kind.
  • RAT – Quick-witted, resourceful and smart. The rat represents hard work, thriftiness as well as wealth and prosperity, particularly in business. With large litters, the rat also symbolises abundance, fertility, kindness, and expanse.
  • ROOSTER – The rooster is associated with traits such as hardworking, resourceful, courageous and talented, whilst possessing strong self-confidence.
  • SHEEP – The sheep are said to symbolise innocence, vulnerability, self-acceptance and respect of limits.
  • SNAKE – The snake symbolises fidelity, an intuitive nature, rebirth and longevity. Moving on its belly, the snake is often associated with being grounded and patient. Historically, it has been used to represent eternal love and was a common subject for rings.
  • SPIDER – The spider is a strong representative of feminine power and creative energy, characterised by their skilled weaving of webs and patience awaiting prey.
  • TIGER – The primary meaning of a tiger is willpower, strength and courage. They are also associated with aggression, anger and unpredictability.
  • WHALE – The whale is believed to be earth’s record keeper of time, symbolising wisdom, emotional healing and peace.
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