Why is my cartilage piercing still crusty after a year? | CHURINGA BODY JEWELRY REVIEWS

About Jewelry

Jewelry has been a cherished form of adornment and personal expression for thousands of years. From ancient civilizations to modern societies, jewelry holds cultural, historical, and emotional significance, making it much more than just decorative accessories. Here, we delve into the fascinating world of jewelry, exploring its history, materials, styles, and significance in today’s world.

Crusting after body piercing is perfectly normal—this is just the result of your body trying to heal itself. 1? Dead blood cells and plasma make their way to the surface and then dry when exposed to air. While perfectly normal, these crusties do need to be cleaned carefully and thoroughly whenever you notice them.

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Additionally, how long does it take for a cartilage piercing to close after a year?


It may take up to 6 months or even 1 year before a helix or tragus piercing is fully healed. While your piercing is still healing, don’t take your jewelry out for an extended period. Doing so may cause the hole to close.

Besides, why is my piercing taking so long to heal? An earlobe piercing usually takes six to eight weeks to heal. Cartilage piercings, which take place on the harder part of your ear, generally take longer to heal and can be more prone to infection. … If the earrings are on too tightly, not allowing room for the wound to breathe and heal, an infection can develop.

Also question is, when should I give up my cartilage piercing?

Cartilage heals from the outside in, making a tunnel all the way through your ear which takes time. ‘Don’t take your earring out until the piercing has healed and even then swap in another earring or it’s like to heal up again pretty quickly. ‘Longevity is everything.

Why does my cartilage piercing still hurt after a month?

It is normal for your ear to hurt immediately after getting a cartilage piercing, pain that commonly lasts for two weeks to a month. Be careful to not sleep on the side that was pierced: Doing so will cause healing complications and unnecessary discomfort.

Should I pick the crust off my piercing?

For the first few days, your piercing may be a bit tender, sore, or even swollen. … This lymph ‘crust‘ will likely collect on the jewelry or around the piercing. Do not pick at it. Piercings do tend to swell slightly — some more than others — during healing.

How do you heal a stubborn piercing?


Salt or saline soaks


Soaks speed up wound healing. To make a salt soak, add 1/4 teaspoon of iodine-free salt to 8 ounces of warm water. Dip a clean paper towel into the mixture and apply to the piercing for 5 to 10 minutes. Do this twice a day.

How can I make my cartilage piercing heal faster?



Soaking your piercing with a warm, mild sea salt water solution will not only feel good, it will also help prevent infection, reduce the risk of scarring, and speed the healing of your piercing.

Can I take out a fresh piercing if I don’t like it?

Dermatologists caution against removal as the infection can get trapped if the hole closes. Plus, if yours is infected and you don’t actually want your hole to close permanently, you can lose the piercing altogether upon removal.

Can I leave my cartilage piercing out overnight?

Without the piercing stud or jewelry, a new ear piercing may close too fast, either overnight or after a few days. … This isn’t too long, and we recommend that you wait for the piercing to heal fully. However, for a cartilage piercing, for example, piercing at the inner, upper, or at the conch would take longer to heal.

When should you give up on a piercing?

Here are some of the biggest ones.

  1. You’ve tried to have the area pierced a number of times, but it just won’t stick. …
  2. You start to feel uncomfortable wearing your piercing. …
  3. You can’t stick to the aftercare period. …
  4. Your piercing constantly gets in the way. …
  5. Your piercing is causing health issues.



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