What happens when you rip your tongue piercing? | CHURINGA BODY JEWELRY REVIEWS

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The tongue heals faster than most other body parts, so when you remove the piercing the whole will start to close within a few hours. That being said, once it’s closed you may have a small indentation in your tongue if you‘ve had the piercing for a few years. The longer you have it, the more likely it is to scar.

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Correspondingly, can a tongue piercing rip your tongue?


Watch What You Eat


Eating soon after your get your tongue pierced can present a problem that you never even considered. … In all that pulling and tugging, you are likely to rip the slowly healing hole in your tongue, leaving you to start all over in the healing process.

In this manner, can tongue piercing heal? How long does it take to heal? A tongue piercing officially takes between six and eight weeks to completely heal. However, your individual healing process depends entirely on how you care for your new piercing.

Furthermore, how long does it take for a tongue ring hole to close?

about six to eight weeks

Do tongue piercings leave permanent hole?

Piercing sources here in Columbia tell me that the tongue piercing does produce permanent changes in the tongue, but that the hole will definitely close up and does so relatively quickly. The new tissue will be scar tissue but will not be readily noticeable.

How can I make my tongue piercing heal faster?

Some other strategies that can speed healing include:

  1. brushing the teeth regularly to keep the mouth clean.
  2. rinsing the piercing after each meal.
  3. not smoking.
  4. minimizing talking during the first few days.
  5. not playing with or touching the piercing.

Has anyone died from a tongue piercing?


Doctors are warning that tongue piercings could lead to fatal infections, after a 22-year-old Israeli man died in hospital weeks after getting his tongue pierced. Although this is a rare case, oral physicians say there is always a risk of infection when surgery is performed in the mouth.

Can a tongue piercing paralyze you?

Nerve Injury


The tongue is supplied by the hypoglossal nerve and the lingual branch of the trigeminal nerve. These nerves can be damaged during piercing and permanent paralysis of the tongue can occur.

How do you fix a ripped tongue?

Apply a cold compress to the injured area. Or suck on a piece of ice or a flavoured ice pop. Rinse your wound with warm salt water right after meals. These rinses may relieve some pain.

Do tongue piercings get infected easily?

Infection occurs when bacteria become trapped inside the piercing. Tongue piercings — especially new ones — are more prone to infections than other piercings because of all the bacteria in your mouth. Much of the bacteria is introduced by eating and drinking.

How much does it hurt to get your tongue pierced?

How much does the tongue piercing hurt? The tongue may seem like it would be sensitive, but most report relatively low piercing pain. With an experienced piercer, you will feel a pinch, but they’ll conduct the procedure quickly, so it will be fast. The real pain comes in the days immediately afterward.

Can I re pierce my tongue myself?


Can I repierce in the same hole or should I make a new one because of scar tissue? You can repierce it. The only thing is it might a be a little harder to get the needle through and might have possible healing issues.

Do tongue piercings give you a lisp?

While the piercing itself is not particularly difficult or painful, you should expect a good deal of swelling afterward; you may also find you have a slight lisp and difficulty speaking for the first two to four days, but this is temporary and will improve as the swelling decreases. …

What is a tongue ring retainer?

Tongue Retainers are made of acrylic. They replace your existing Tongue Stud and are used for hiding Tongue Piercings, or can be used if you need to remove your jewellery for an x-ray, operation or dental treatment. It is held in place with a rubber ‘O’ ring.




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